Chapter 34

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I DO NOT think fear had been present now a days as hard as it had been in this exact moment

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I DO NOT think fear had been present now a days as hard as it had been in this exact moment.

I cannot breathe. Not a puff of air wants to be lead out. I grip the sink harder looking at the mirror and then sobbing in rage.

Why did I wear this stupid outfit? The fucking choice made me sick right now. How could I present myself like this? What the hell was I doing?

I want to break and fall and just disappear. I nearly do. I quickly take a deep breath. There are a lot of people here. The mere glance of seeing me would not catalogue me recognizable. I just had to blend in and leave quick. The faster the better.

Zipping up my leather jacket and fixing my hair I try to think of happy thoughts and practice smiling like a girl on crack trying to diffuse the red and tears off my face.

I bite my lip and was about to step out until life itself spat on my face.

The white door opened and she entered.

Her eyes locked on mine. The same fucking brown ones. God-

The same features and the same hair. I could not look at her. But she recognized me. She looked at me like she was seeing a distant memory. A ghost she left.

"Bryce-" I shake my head shutting my eyes tight.

"No. No." I say swiftly pleading for this conversation to end. "You don't get to do that. You don't get to say my name after six- almost seven years." I step back and she stays planted on her spot.

"Honey." Her eyes water. For me. Why me. "I never meant to hurt you-" The voice break was a jab to my heart. "I didn't want to leave you. I didn't want to-"

"You left me." I tightly pressed at her. "You should have though about that when you locked me in the car."

"We had no choice." She tried through tears. "Everyone misses you so much. Chiara, your dad and I. We miss you and cry and-"

"Don't you dare put your sob stories on me. I don't want Thai emotional punch. I don't want it." I stagger back yelling at her. She reaches out to me. Her skin touching me. I so hoped to god that her touch would be cold and foreign but it felt so warm and awoken memories in me. "Don't do this. Leave. Leave so I don't get tortured." I breathed to her.

Her motherly ways never changed. She pushed my fringe back and I turn away from her. I could not do this. Not delve in this moment and others. "Baby please. I know we did wrong. I know we did horrendously. But please forgive me. Us. Forgive us. Come back. Come back home Bryce." She begged me. "We need you. We thought we could do this but we can't. I've searched for you for so long. So long. And now- Now I've found you and-" I started crying. As ugly as I may have looked I hated the feeling. It felt like a betrayal to myself. I do not want to be here. I do not want any of this.

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