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Everything about the thought of succeeding evaporated from me as I squirmed in the brown leather chair the stitching itching my calve.

The sharp ticking of the clock made me sweat. I fidgeted with my fingers locking and unlocking them as I sat in the principal's office waiting.

The door creaked open making me jump in my seat. Principle Cianna walked in her face turned down as she narrowed her eyes at me. Behind her, Jordan was dragged in his head bowed and just as pale as I was. I stared at him taking a seat next to me while Principle Cianna was in front.

She went through a file while I watched her making glances at Jordan every now and then. His brown eyes held the same worry as mine. We were in deep shit.

After another pause of silence, she finally spoke curtly, "I hope you both know just how much trouble you are in." I didn't have the energy- or the confidence to talk. I just stared my knee bopping as she spoke. "Burning the school bathroom is an act of vandalism and will not be taken lightly. Now if per tell you both were truly sorry, I would have put it past but the record in front of me says otherwise." Every word she uttered felt like stepping on glass.

I moved in my seat my hands gripping the seat cushion firmly. "Principle Cianna we didn't mean to - It was wrong us, but we never caused harm or meant for any damage. Please we could pay for it or do after-school detention. Anything- "

"Enough Ms. Weston. It seems you have a trend of getting in trouble." She cut off shaking her head. "It will be better to discuss with your parents here." My breath at that point was yanked out. I could only imagine the fury and disappointment on my mother's face when she finds out. What kept me freezing was the fact our verdict hadn't been ruled. I don't know what we were getting ourselves into and frankly, Jordan keeping his trap shut made it all the worse. Usually, he'd be coming up with illustrative lies but right now he was tongue-less.

I looked at him helplessly while we waited. He didn't even stare back. No just kept his head bowed and looked at the cold floors. It was irritating me the only sound being the boxy clicks from the principal's keyboard.

The door pushed open, and we all turned around to see both our mothers. My eyes connected to my mother, and I swallowed seeing the unreadable expression swell through them as she assessed me, the room, and then the principal before silently nudging me to get off the seat so she could sit. I did so my feet numb as I stood behind her not sure what to do. Beside me, Jordan's mom's coat brushed on my elbow making me wince.

"I'm sure you both have been informed on why you are here." The principal stated pushing a lock of her grey-blond hair back. Both parents nodded as she continued. "I would like to start off by saying this is an offense. Vandalism is not dealt with lightly and will not be. We have decided not to press any charges." My mother exhaled and closed her eyes in relief. "But that doesn't mean your children won't be punished."

Jordan's mother let out a sharp breath gripping his chair. "What exactly have they done though? The receptionist only informed me of the bathroom burning. I'd like to know how that came to be." Jordan finally looked up his face pinched with fear as he locked eyes with me. I gave him a small tilt of my head in worry.

"Would you both like to explain?" The principal asked but we remained silent. Our voices were dead. I didn't think I'd ever once remain in silence at my own fault. Usually, I'd be sprouting different ways and acts but now I was chipped. "Very well. Your children have not only damaged the school bathroom but there was quite a story that went on with that scenario. Both had skipped their English class yesterday and were not seen throughout the lessons. They'd gone to the sports court bathroom thinking they'd been alone as they smoked cigarettes." My mother gave me a sharp eye as if she could read through me. I prayed she couldn't. Jordan's mother was looking between me and her silent son in contemplation. She probably thought I was the reason we both got caught.

"And that's not all. The lighter they were playing with had somehow... actually I'm not quite sure what happened then in between. Would one of you explain?" Principle Cianna asked with a pointed look. Before I could speak Jordan surprisingly cut me off.

"It was our fault. We take full responsibility." He threw out swallowing. He glanced at me and then at the wooden desk. "Bryce and I had been ditching class and we'd thought it would be fun to run off of it. She had a pack of cigarettes, and I had a lighter. We decided to go to the bathroom knowing nobody actually uses it." The principal scowled slightly at that. "We were playing with it when my cigarettes burnt my coat and then the fire of my lighter. One thing led to another, and we tossed the coat away landing it on some toilet paper rolls. It started a huge fire and yeah that's basically what happened." I could have killed Jordan at this moment. How dare he put us both in this situation. I would gladly murder him and spend my days in jail or wherever the hell they sent me. The prick sold us after everything.

"God Bryce." My mother sighed in horror shaking her head. "I raised you better than this." I pursed my lips looking at the clock instead.

"I don't know what to say." Jordan's mom muttered gripping her son's shoulder. "I'm really sorry for my son's behavior. I didn't think he was this loose. Usually, Jordie never did anything like this at home. I just- "She rubbed her temples biting her lip as if she might very well choke. "What is the solution?"

Principal Cianna shifted forward in her seat gripping her hands in front of her as she put on a sad mask. "There is no solution that the school can offer. Jordan and Bryce are bright students and I trust them to make better choices in the future but I'm afraid this school will not be that place for them. This is expulsion." I sucked in my breath my eyes burning. I knew the worst was to come but this hit me like a bus. Expulsion.

My mother gripped her head and let out a strangled sigh. "Bryce go wait in the car. And directly there." She ordered in her sharp voice. She'd rarely ever used it on me and that made this all the worse. I barely conjured a nod as I stepped out my limbs shaking. The parking lot was empty as I navigated our blue Porsche. My heart churned and I was moments from breaking something when a shadow loomed over my own.

I whirled around to see Jordan. "Bryce I- I didn't mean for this to go this way. I know how much you loved the school and how you wanted to go to Harvard but- "

"But what Jordan?" I spat crossing my arms. "You ruined everything. Do you know what shithole you put me through? No, because you decided to be some pacifist there?" A look of hurt and anger took over his face making me feel a little better that I wasn't alone in this frustration.

"Not everything is about you. I had to do this."

I stepped back towards my car unlocking it with a bitter laugh. "No, you wanted to do this Jordan."

"It's not that big of a deal. We'll find some other school or shit. We always find a way." I laughed at his hope. He wasn't the one that was infiltrated with expectations. This was a scar on me, and I doubted my mother would ever let me live this down let alone her boyfriend Jake and his two perfect daughters.

"Fuck you, Jordan. There is no we anymore." With that, I slammed the car door. Well, now I guess I'll have to find a way to fix all this, or I'm probably going to be shipped off to military school. I look like a complete imbecile in an army jacket let alone my limbs are as equivalent to that of overcooked spaghetti.

I sighed closing my eyes. A new beginning... again.

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