Chapter 54

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YOU KNOW WHEN you think you are dreaming but you are really awake?

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YOU KNOW WHEN you think you are dreaming but you are really awake?

Well that was my case. No matter how many times I closed my eyes or tried to rid of the image of Harry laying there dead it did not work.

It had been a few weeks since the death had occurred and the police had investigated us all thoroughly. I kept throwing up every now and then, thrashing in my sleep.

I was not the only one facing nightmares. It seemed Aaron had them too. I would wake up in the late night hearing him scream in his sleep. I did not think Harry's death was the outline to his dreams. I think it brought back bad memories for him. Memories that I wish I could wipe away.

I walk towards the library with a small lump in my throat. I just could not look past Harry's death.

His corpse had looked so lifeless yet the expression holding it had been so full of fear and shock. It hit me harder then I wanted it to.

I had kept my phone completely on lock the whole week. Mom, Catherine and Lou were calling me like crazy. I did not want to repeat the horrid things I had experienced already. I just needed time.

"Morning." Alastair mumbled looking at me with a grin expression. I noted his black outfit and he did the same to mine. I suppose we both were finding this hard.

"Morning." I softly said and looked at the shelves of books. "I came to return this." I push a copy of Kingdom of Ash.

Alastair took it in his hands and placed it on the correct number format for the book. "Anything you want? Next read?"

I shook my head slowly. "No thank you." With that I walked back outside the place feeling a heap of air rush and fall in my lungs.

Why was this so hard? I did not know Harry that much and yet it felt like I was close enough to him to feel sadness wash over me.

It was strange how emotions worked. Or maybe I just get to attached to everything.

Either way I stop my thinking as Madison walks into the canteen with her eyes red. She does not look at me as she flings the door open and glanced behind her shoulder.

I look back to and notice no one there. Deciding to follow her I went in after her feeling the need for some company. Without Owen's laughter it was getting full quite quickly around here.

Speaking of him I reminded myself mentally to call Olivia at night. I was keen on knowing about every aspect of his recovery. He would tease me about it surely when he would wake up and call me a mother hen.

The interior of the cafeteria was cold and empty with shapes looming through the large windows. Because of how thick the sky was there was not much sun to light up the area and give it its usual fresh and bright aura.

At the far end of the table Madison sat with her head held in her hands. My steps were quite soft and damp from the melting snow outside so I doubt she heard me.

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