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I DOWN THE last of the content from my coffee cup and put my computer to sleep

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I DOWN THE last of the content from my coffee cup and put my computer to sleep. My intercom buzzes and I answer it swiftly.

"Ma'am, I just wanted to remind you about your appointment next week with Mr. Lopez about the paint situations." I chew the back of my pen and stare out the windows that reenacted as walls in my office. I had started a very successful business. I was booked solid for the two years to come.

"Alright. I'll be there at 7 instead of eight." I tell Vivian and cut off the line. Pulling my contents in a bag I walk out the building to my car.

As soon as I slip in, I kick off my heels and sigh against the relief of it. I was so damn tired but there was still soo much to do once I get home.

I reverse out and make my destination to my house. It was unnecessarily large and made of white stone that ran up to four stories. I could see the lights were shut off from most rooms inside, so I assumed they were asleep.

The house was an easy decision for me. I loved it ever since I first saw it years ago. It was the best one in Blue Haven, and it felt like home even though it had an intoxicating size. I parked my car next to another Bugatti and got out locking the garage and my car. I hung my purse on my shoulder and stepped inside with my heels in hand.

The patio was polished underneath my feet as I walked towards the twin stairwell all the way to the front door. It really was a fucking workout getting up and down here, but it was worth it.

I pushed the unlocked door and dropped my things to the side as I walk in placing my coat on the L shaped couch. Celia was tidying up the kitchen as I approached her with a big huff and slumped onto the bar stool.

"Busy day?" She asked as I ran my fingers through my hair.

"The busiest. I had to tackle two clients in a civilized manner of course since somehow their appointments got clashed. Thank you." I murmured as she passed me a large glass of cold water. I chugged the whole thing as she chuckled placing my glass in the sink.

Just as I was about to ask her what was for food, I heard footsteps running towards me. I turned and an automatic smile bloomed on my face as Loren grinned up at me, extending his arms, an indication he wants to be carried. I pull him to my lap as he wraps his arms around me.

My day suddenly turned wonderful.

"Hey, Lo." I gush and tickle his stomach. He laughs and buries his face in my neck, clinging onto me. "What happened?"

"I'm sad." He sniffs. "Very sad."

I look alarmed and pull him back. Clearly something had happened while I was not home. It would not be the first time either. "Why? What happened?"

"Everly broke my toy car." He pouted holding up the ruptured blue transformer. I held it up with raised eyebrows. Even though I have been a mother for eight years now, my kids still do not cease to amaze me.

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