Chapter 29

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"COME ON JENNY!" I shouted my throat becoming hoarse

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"COME ON JENNY!" I shouted my throat becoming hoarse. "Put your back into it! Harder!" Jenny panted running. She was at the end of the group whilst the others were not very forward either. "Layla longer strides while running!" I called out and she nodded.

I pulled my whistle behind me where the girls were doing planks. They all collapsed on the ground breathing hard. I eyed my watch and nodded. "A whole minute. I'm proud of you guys." I congratulated. "Take five and then make it to the track." They all nodded at me and jogged to the bathroom and water coolers. I was glad they were motivated with me. They did not make a pissy face or whined at me for putting them to work.

Maddie was running with the girls right now while Sersha was doing sit ups and crunches. I rallied them over to jump roping and switched the running girls to stretches and planks.

I had many strong people here but there were loose ends too. Ava was very slow and had the grace of a noodle whilst Natalie would panic and mess her stamina up. But I had to look at the bigger picture. Natalie had good hand works that were meant for shooting. I had made her do archery and basketball since both would come in handy.

"That's it. Break for five." I said to the girls who finished running. They took gulps of water and smiled. We had been doing this for a week now. Our competition started tomorrow and I wanted to cramp practice in the morning so throughout the day we could rest. "Last session. Come on people!" I whistled and they began doing their work.

I went around helping some get into their forms while motivating the others. Trinity and Riley were my swimming trophies and the were at the pool warming up. I had made sure to leave the coach to help them after being a nuisance in his ear for a while.

I whistled again as they all finished and walked away after I instructed them their roles for tomorrow. Cause tomorrow would be the championship and I was in no mood for losing.

Packing the garage with supplies I bent down and put the key in the gold lock hearing the clock. As soon as I got up a pair of strong arms gripped my waist hugging me from behind.

"Hello to you too." I chuckled at Aaron and turned. "Don't you have practice?"

He shook his head straightening up. "No Owen gave me a whole barking session on how much he was dying in the winter." Aaron scoffed. "Plus I got see how hot you look shouting instructions with that hat and whistle of yours."

I smirked pushing him away and reaching for my water bottle. "You know I'm against you tomorrow at the scavenger race? Are you sure you're not checking out your competition?"

"No." He drawled. "I don't need to."

I fake gasped turning to him. "Are you underestimating or undermining me?"

He tilted his head from side to side as if he was actually giving a thought about it. "Neither. I'm just here to take my girlfriend out for a milkshake." I felt my heart kick at the word girlfriend but then spotted Danica behind me.

Always AaronDove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora