"How was the doctor?" I motioned her over and be next to me and the boys. I slowly wrapped my arms around Amir and stood to my feet. As soon as I stood up Khalil and Nasir felt my absence and woke up.

"It was good they made me read some letters form a chart and checking my scar." She replied. Both boys groggy the looked up at me like I was crazy before seeing their sister. Their energy shifted as the tried to climb her line a jungle gym. While the kids were all smiles the tension between Erin and Nate was so thick that a chainsaw would be useless.

"Why did Kev drop you off?" I asked wondering why he had Kev drop her off.

"I don't know." She shrugged her shoulders. I got quite for a second before snapping back.

"Your auntie called for you today." I let her know.

"Auntie April?" She asked.

"How would you like to spend the weekend with auntie April? She really misses you." I watched the smile come across her face. I promised that I wouldn't keep her away from her family just like her adoptive parents didn't try to keep me from her.

"Yes can I." She jumped for joy.

"Of course you can. Let's get you and the boys some snacks." I said wanting to give my sister and Nate some space. We went to the kitchen where I took our some fruit and yogurt for the kids.

"Let's take this up stairs so you can see your new costume." I down played the amount of stuff we brought her and the boys just so she could be a lot more excited. I handed everyone there tubes if yogurt and carried the fruit in one hand and Amir in another. The darted up the stairs so fast I wasn't even able to see their faces before they ran in their rooms. Leila want even focused on the costumes but more so the shoes we got her. They boys were just fine with the toys and didn't even touch the clothes.

"Thank you Mommy." I heard the kids say as Erin and Nate got louder.

"You are welcome. I was glad they had something to tire themselves out.

"I WANT TO BE WITH YOU." His words were as clear as day. I sat the fruit cups down before waking to out Amir's room to lay him down. As soon as he hit the crib he woke up. It was obvious that he wanted no parts of his room and would be coming down stairs with me.

"Look at how we got here I don't know if I can trust you. I don't even trust myself this isn't me."

"Do you really think I would leave you high and dry like that? My shit is together, I'm moving out of that house and in to my own this week. Maiya has already filed for divorce and I'm not fighting it!" He was screaming to the top of his lungs and by the looks of it she couldn't care less.

"This should have never went this far. I broke up y'all's family and how could I expect someone not to do the same to me?" She asked him.

"I broke up my family. No one but me so you don't need to worry about that. Worry about us." He said to Erin. Lord he was definitely Sloane's brother. It was like looking in a mirror. Sloane would speak and I would try to figure out if I believed him or not.

"I'm having this baby with or without you..."

"There will be no without me Erin. I want this relationship not just an effort at coparenting." He said to her. I noticed that the conversation had calmed down and there was no reason for me to intervene.

"That's my baby too."

"So is the is that it her baby. You have a lot of shit on your plate." She replied.

"So this isn't just about Maiya then huh?"

"Did you forget about Olivia? That's three kids and three moms" She asked.

I tried to retreat up stairs but my phone rang. The phone was in the sofa so I slid over to pick it up. It was Adrien so I decided let it ring as I shifted Amir from one hip to the other.  When Adrien called right back I decided to pick it up and walk towards the kitchen to make a bottle.

"Hey love what's up?" I asked going through the cabinet.

"It's Sloane...Emerald he umm."

"Is he cursing people out again. We had a conversation about how to treat the staff..." I started thinking that I was going to have to call him and make him take it easy.

"No you need to get to the hospital. He has been shot." I could tell that tears were rolling down her face.

"What do you mean he has been shot?" I asked thinking that she was joking. Nate and Erin stooped their conversation and focused on me.

"He was in an out of it E. E they are taking him to Mercy East and you need to get there now."

"Mercy... Mercy East?" I questioned trying to catch my breath.

"E give me the baby. What's wrong." My chest got tight as I tried to communicate with my brother in law. I dropped the phone as soon and he took Amir from me.

"Somebody shot Sloane. Someone shot him."


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