• T W E N T Y •

Start from the beginning

"If you hadn't walk in, my head would have been between Caroline's legs. Little rich kid ruined my plans for the night." I wink at Caroline, trying to piss Liam off. It works, when I see his face turning an angry red. Caroline blushes at my words.

"Harry..." She says in a warning tone, yet I can see the smallest smile playing at her lips, her head lowered, looking down at the floor.

"Kidding, kidding." I say in my defence, heading towards the door. I can't believe I was so close to kissing her. There's something in those blue eyes that's not so innocent.

Whenever I'm with Caroline, I have this strange feeling- like my heart could burst anytime when she smiles through her eyes. Her features are so unique, like they're some sort of maze. I get lost in her beauty; more than mesmerized. I'm crazy about that little giggle of hers, wanting to kiss away all the painful tears from her face. I want to see her truly live. Maybe even more. Truly learn to live with her.

God, what is she doing to me?



Harry was going to kiss me.

Harry was going to kiss me.

Harry was going to kiss me.

Harry was going to kiss me.

I still can't get it into my head that I was so close to having my first kiss. I've never been kissed on the lips before. The time Harry asked me who my first kiss was, I obviously lied to him. I told him that my first kiss was to a handsome prince of some made up region. I just couldn't tell Harry the truth.

"Ah, so it was the typical 'happily ever after' Cinderella kiss then?" He asked, amused.

Deep down, I know I'm not much of a badass. I know I'll always be that stupid fragile princess who has no clue of what's going around her all the time. I don't think that'll change, even though Harry is trying to help me with it. Little does he know he was so close to being my first kiss.

I actually kind of wish stupid Liam hadn't walked in.

Harry left my bedroom a few minutes ago but his touch still lingers on my cheeks. Liam has been pacing back and forth ever since, his posture upright.

"What do you want to talk about?" I ask, trying my best to stay calm. Plopping myself down on my bed, I feel it dip underneath my weight. Liam stands in front of me, then deciding to sit on his knees on the carpeted floor right at my feet.

"About us." He says weakly.


"Us." He confirms, nodding his head.

"There is no 'us'." I say harshly, but instantly regret not holding my tongue. By the sad look on Liam's face, I feel like something Harry would call, a 'mad bitch '.

There is an awkward silence between us.

"Do you remember how it was when we were younger?" Liam asks shyly, a small smile at his lips. It's almost as if he's trying to get me to remember those times as well, and unexpectedly, I have a halfhearted smile plastered on my face.

Images of how he kissed the scrapes on my wounded knees finds its way back into my head. The times he would give me his share of butterscotch pudding because I eyed it shamelessly. How when we played hide-and-seek, he would spend hours pretending to search for me even though he knew exactly where I was hiding.

"Times have change, Liam." I say softly, playing with the corners of my freshly changed bedsheets, trying to avoid his eye contact.

"Why can't it stay the same?" He asks, desperation swimming in his auburn eyes.

"We were best friends, now you're arranged to be my husband!"

"You knew that it was the way it would turn out!" Liam argues back, shaking his head.

"We were so young back then. Who knew that the fake weddings we reenacted together would actually become real ones!" I cry out in disbelief.

"Look, darling." He says and I cringe. "I know this is hard for you, but I just want a steady relationship again."

"It definitely won't be steady if you're trying to change our past friendship into love."

"I've always liked you, Caroline Ann."

"Don't call me that, Liam, I liked that name when I was five, not anymore." I tell him. A clear example of what I meant when I said that times have changed. I don't like the same things anymore.

"Sorry. I didn't know." Liam mumbles, and I actually start feeling bad for him. I try to step out of my shoes for once and look at things from his view. But that doesn't mean I have to make myself fall in love for him, because love will come on its own.

Maybe it's in my destiny that I'll fall in love with him, and maybe it's in my destiny that I won't.

That seems valid.

"I'm sorry, Liam. But I don't think this will work out."

"Well I think it would, if we just try hard enough."

I sigh.

"What if I don't want to try harder?" Liam's face falls. "What if my heart is with someone else?" I say weakly and get up.

"Is this 'someone', that rowdy guard?" Liam asks uneasily and stands up alongside me.

"Harry's a good guy even though he presents himself as plain cheeky. I want to keep what I feel about him to myself, but maybe I might fall in love with someone in the future..." I speak the truth, but something about not seeing Harry in my future saddens me a bit.

Liam is in silence after that, and I awkwardly shuffle to my window seat. He follows behind me.

"What's wrong with me?" He suddenly asks, his eyes become watery. But it's more than tears; the sense of being confused, lost, blank-slated.

"Nothing. Don't ever feel like there is something wrong with you. Because I know that deep inside, you're an incredible person with a kind heart." I tell him, cocking my head to a side and squeezing his broad shoulder gently with a sad smile.

"Then why don't you love me?" He asks quietly.

I expel a deep breath and close my eyes. "Maybe it's not in my destiny that I fall in love with you."

Hurt pours into his face. "Destiny is only what you make out of it."

"I know, I'm just not ready." I say truthfully, and for the first time in ages, I feel that connection between us again.

"I'm sorry destiny wasn't in your favor." Liam says coldly, but I somehow know that he doesn't mean it.

"I'm sorry too." I say and open my arms, welcoming a torn up Liam into them. The familiar feel of the embrace comes back and the whole time, I try to push away the awkwardness of it.

"But even though destiny wasn't in neither of our favors, I think I still might love you." Liam sadly muffles in my hair.

A/N: OML I can't stop crying:'( I promise you won't regret reading Caroline's POV listening to Give Me Love. The feels are so.....ahhhh. Now I kind of feel bad for Liam, even though I'm not suppose to. Sorry I messed with your sense of who's the good guy and bad guy here:P #sorrynotsorry Oh, and be sure to hit that vote and comment on what you feel about Liam now. Thanks ilysm! x. M

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