"Thank you for the purchase have a nice day," he said as he went over to the glass door and he wheeled it out and as I try to grab it then it being kinda heavy I asked Akali.

"Man this is kinda embarrassing but can you grab it I'm weak," I said to Akali, and as she laughed and easily picked it up and as we walked away and seeing people watching a girl carry a glass door then I ask.

"Have you been working out a lot cause Jesus looks very easy?" I ask her and as she looked confused at me and then told me.

"If you know about us then you should I am a ninja" also said confused then as I walk closer to her then I tell her.

"Well yeah I know but you think people are going to say wait for that girl is a ninja right Anna," I tell her then Akali understood what I said and as she nodded then said casually to me.

"Yep I do this all the time man if you need me to do some lifting and be careful about it just leave me a call and I got you man" Akali said as a cover story and as we both walk towards the front door and we walk out going through the parking lot and to the sidewalks we walked our way to my house and as we walked and as we arrive at the front door and as I opened it for Akali then as I let her go in and I followed behind and closed and locked it and walked towards the kitchen and as I walk in to see many bugs that got in and Akali puts down the glass door next to the broken one and as I look around I ask Akali.

"Can you kill all the bugs that got in with the bug spray and clean it a broom while I remove the old door and I replace it for me?" I ask Akali and as she nodded I went towards the cabinet and grab the bug spray and close the cabinet and walk toward the closet and grab a broom then grabbed a dustpan and then walked back to Akali and said.

"We'll have fun killing all the bugs and don't break anything cause you know it cost a lot to fix it and if you broke on of your friends stuff especially evelynn she going to kill you" I told akali then she nodded repeatedly and as she went off to do her thing I went towards the garage and then I got back towards the back door and opened the box and then looked for screw drivers then started to unscrew the old door while I heard the bug spray go off and slashes going around the place and as I finished unscrewing and moved the old door outside and left it there as I then got the new one and then as I got it in place and then I grabbed the screw and then got the screwdriver then started to screw it in place and as I hear a cheering akali then running and then laughed as I grabbed the other screw and then started to screw it into place and as I put the last screw in then I put screwdriver down and walk back to see it in place the right angle then walked back towards it and then i started to open it and then closing it to test if it is working properly and as I close it then lock it I look back to see a bag and it filled with dead bugs and also a lot of dust and as I went back to the box and put the screwdriver back in and then pick up the box and then walk back in the garage and place it back and as I walk out and as I walk back in and close the garage door and walking back inside the kitchen the rest of the girls came back and looked around and then I said.

"Welcome back how was dealing with Jinx," I said as I walked towards the closet to grab another broom and dustpan and as I walk out ahri said.

"A pain you don't know how times she tried to hit us but after a while, we got what we needed and now we are back and what with the bag and why do you have a broom" ahri said with her friends looking at it then looked back at me walking towards the replaced sliding door and I said to them.

"Well that bag is filled with the dead bugs she being killing and I just replaced the sliding door and now I am cleaning up the leftover glass here," I said as I started to sweep the broken glass as I heard a scream from upstairs then I look at the girls and then Kaisa asked.

"So can I guess she either almost done or she found a bug she doesn't like," Kaisa said then I looked at her and said?

"At this point, I don't know what she screaming at cause she has been doing that for about 15 minutes so anything is possible at this point," I told Kaisa and as Akali ran down the stairs with a big bag of bugs and panting saying.

"I got all of them and this bug spray is out," Akali said while panting and as I walked towards her and then said.

"You did good and the girls are back from the base and dealing with Jinx," I told Akali as she looked past my right shoulder and saw them then waved and said.

"Oh hey your back now time to throw this awa-" as Akali fell asleep on me and as I picked her up and took away the dustpan the bug spray and the broom then bridal side carried her to the couch to rest and as I grab Akali cleaning items and went back towards the closet and as I put them away and was going back for the bags ahri and Seraphine already picked up the bags and then ahri said.

"We'll handle this and you can sit down and rest," ahri said as they both were at the sliding door, and then as I sat down on the couch and relaxed evelynn sat to my left and as she leaned and hugged my left arm then asked me.

"You enjoy our company don't you Y/N" I look towards evelynn who laying comfortably on my shoulder then I tell her.

"Well, darling I do it's been boring always dealing with people who don't see you as a person and living alone so yeah I guess so," I told evelynn then she looks at me smiles then kisses me as she lays back down on my shoulder and with the other three doing their things then evelynn then started to move and placed her entire body on my chest as I fell backward and then evelynn grabs my arms and posting them next to her boob then I ask her.

"Your doing this on purpose are you, darling," I asked evelynn then she laughed and then told me.

"I don't know what you're talking about I feel like this is comfortable for the both of us," evelynn says and then I sighed as I sat there.

A unexpected turn in lifeWhere stories live. Discover now