"Definitely." He takes a deep breath and starts reading.

To my wonderful big brother Luke,

I know this is not going to be easy for you, and I am so sorry for that. Thank you, Lucas, for being the best brother anyone could ask for., and the father figure I always wanted. I wish things could be different and I was still here with you. The hardest thing was saying goodbye. I had a feeling it was going to come soon, but not for the reasons you think. I will explain that towards the end of this letter.

I know how you are Luke and I'm going to say this once, don't push Jaxon away. Anytime you can't deal with something major, you push people away and I don't want that for you. Then again, I could be totally wrong. I have never seen you as happy as you have been with Jax, so cherish that. Don't lose it and keep it with you always and you guys will be just fine.

Thank you for always taking care of me before yourself. You were my brother and parents wrapped up into one. You took care of me when our parents didn't, even though you were still a kid yourself. So, I'm eternally grateful that Jax can help take care of you now. I know you can take care of yourself Lucas, but it's okay to lean on the people that care about you the most.

Now for the heavy shit and I am sorry for it, I truly am.

Don't trust our parents whatsoever. They kept stopping by and tried everything to get my money. They seem desperate Lucas. Desperate people do desperate things. So please don't trust anything they say. Even though knowing you, you would tell them to fuck off. I wouldn't put it past them if they tried to end my life just to get their hands on the money.

What the fuck? Lucas starts shaking, and I hold him closer to me. I make sure I don't hurt his ribs as I hold him in my arms.

But the jokes on them because they don't get a damn dime. Protect each other, love each other and please be careful above all else.

I love you so much big brother. Until we meet again.



He puts the letter down and his skin looks so pale, as he starts shaking. "Jax, do you think..." He shakes his head vigorously. "No, it's fucking crazy." My mind is going to all different places right now. Would they really stoop that low? "I don't know what to think Jax. I mean they are pieces of shit. Can they be that desperate?" We see and hear about it all the time, but for it to be so close to home hits hard. If it is true what Kayla said this might be the thing that breaks Lucas, the most.

"Well, they were trying to get you to sign over your rights to them after she died."

"Fuck!" He rakes his hand through his hair. "I need to sit up."

I help him sit up against the headboard and then I remembered something that has my blood boiling. I get up and start pacing the room. "Motherfucker! They are fucking dead!" Lucas looks at me as I pull on my hair. "Jax, baby what's wrong?" I whirl around and I must look like a mad man because his eyes go wide.

"Didn't you say that they told you they were only supposed to scare you?" He looks at me puzzled. "What?" I point to his injuries. "Those fuckers that hurt you, Lucas."

"Y-yes. One of them said that before he took off. He didn't want to be a part of it." I see red. I might need my mom to bail me out of jail. Because if I catch any of those motherfuckers, they are dead. "You're fucking dickwad of parents. THEY FUCKING DID THIS TO YOU!"

I point at my beautiful man's beaten-up body. "I'll kill them, Lucas. I swear to God." Lucas slowly gets up and I rush over to help him up. He clings to my body, and I just hold him in place. "If they did..." I cut him right off by staring at him in his eyes. "I bet my life on it, that they did." He clutches onto me harder. "Don't say that Jax. I can't lose you too." Lucas starts shaking violently and gasping for air. I pull back a little and cup his face with my hands. "Baby, stay with me."

"Th-they w-wouldn't hurt Ka-Kayla."

I know he is thinking the same thing I am. I press my lips to his, I promise I will do what I can to protect him. "I say it's pretty damn possible. If they are that desperate for money, they could do anything." He steps back from me with fire in his eyes. "If they had anything to do with my baby sister's death or what happened to me." He shakes his head and clenches his good hand into a fist. "They are going to wish they were already dead."

"We need to go to the police on this Lucas."

"I know. I just wish I had parents like yours."

"Me too baby. No matter what I'm by your side." I'll always be on your side. He shakes his head and looks at me with tears in his eyes. "This is my fight with them." I step back and I see what he is trying to do, and it pisses me the fuck off. "Oh, the fuck you DON'T! I know what you are trying to do Lucas. Not fucking happening!" I glare at him and yell in his face.


"Well listen up ASSHOLE! I'm not going anywhere. Do you fucking here ME! They are not going to scare me away and neither are YOU! I swear if you weren't injured, I'd knock some fucking sense into you."

"If it is them, they can hurt you."

"Let them fucking try. The only thing that is hurting me is you trying to push me away. Didn't Kayla say not to do that."

"Fuck!" He walks up to me slowly, he really should be laying down and resting, but he puts his good hand on my cheek, and I lean into his touch. "I'm so damn sorry Jax."

"Don't ever try that again got it." I take a breath I was holding in. My heart was breaking just thinking of losing him.

"I fucking love you!" I can see it in his eyes, and I am glad this man opened my eyes to this possibility. "I fucking love you too... cock sucker." I say with a smug grin. He laughs as he wipes the tears away. When I look into his eyes again, I see the fucking desire and passion swirling around. He smashes his lips to mine, and I gladly accept when he slips his tongue in my mouth. God, I want him so much right now, but I know we can't. I slowly pull back and put my forehead to his.

"You're mine Lucas, and no one is taking you away from me. Let's go to bed. We need to figure out a way to take care of the trash first thing in the morning."

I help Lucas back in bed and since he has to lay on his back I lay my head on his chest. He wraps his good arm around me, and I savor these moments.  Whatever it takes I will make sure no one hurts my man.

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