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Words: 1750 (including non-story related words such as these)

Author's Note: hi so this chapter, probably like my more recent chapters, is probably not amazing. I think its lacking enough detailing and looks kinda rushed. Honesgly im having major writers block so dont get your hopes high that my chapters incoming will be great. Ill be editing everything tho so that it looks better (thank god) soemtume after im done the book so it wont stay so awful forever. So yeah sorry bout that. Im iust having major writers block recently like- UGH

When the mist finally settled, Ali opened her eyes.

She was no longer in the rain outside her house. She was indoors.

She looked around and realized she was seated in the backseat of a car, seatbelt tucked and all. There was a smell of freshmint in the air.

Ali looked up at the driver's seat and froze. She was met with a headful of brown curls.

Her father hummed to Elvis Presley's 'I Can't Help Falling In Love With You' as he cheerfully drove on. He wasn't even aware his own daughter was sitting in the backseat of his car.

Ali studied the rosy look on his face as he hummed. There was no doubt he was thinking of her mother.

But the question that stuck in her mind was: Where was she, Why was she there, and Where were she and her father going?

'Hey Dad, where...' Ali's voice trailed off when she remembered he wouldn't be able to hear her. Not even see her. 'Never mind...'

'I Can't Help Falling In Love With You' merged on into 'Sweet Caroline' and Ali just sat back, smiling. She had missed her father so much.

She had no idea why or how she was here but she didn't care. All that mattered was that she had her father back. Well...sort of...

Pretty soon, Ali fell into a sort of drowsy trance. Everything around her felt blurry and the only thing she could hear was her father's cheery humming and she felt at the most peace in her life. She could have fallen asleep in a second.

She didn't want to sleep. She wanted this moment to last as long as she could will it to and falling asleep meant going through this moment faster and it would shorten it.

But she couldn't control herself and she felt her eyes getting heavier and heavier and soon they were shut. She was on the brink of fully falling asleep when-


Ali woke up with a jolt.

Her father's humming had stopped. She looked at him and there was a frustrated but shocked look on his face. His eyes were fixated on something on the road.

scared, love? || eddie kaspbrak x oc {1} (COMPLETED!!) ~under editing :)~Where stories live. Discover now