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TWO: Losers

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TWO: Losers

Words: 666 (including non-story related words such as these)

Author's Note: ok but like i cant be the only one who thinks those glasses make richie eyes look HUGE, right?

~edited :)~


After a few minutes of smoking with Beverly, -or Bev as she had told Ali to call her- Ali departed ways with her fellow smoker and headed out of the school, a half-burned cigarette between her fingers.

As soon as she stepped out, a calm breeze flew through her dark brown hair and Ali let out a sigh of relief.

It was official. It was summer and school was out.

She began to walk along the sidewalk.

No more Greta Bowie. No more annoying rumours. No more noise. No more getting into fights. And most of all, no more annoying classmate-

Ali jumped when someone bumped into her and she dropped her cigarette. She quickly dove down to retrieve it like it was a fallen baby. Fortunately, the cigarette didn't touch the ground for more than a half-second and was still okay to smoke.

Ali glared up at whoever ran into her.

A boy who was at least her same height, with glasses that made his eyes look huge, stared back at her.

Ali recognized him as Richie Tozier. While he had big-ass eyes, he was also known as the kid with the big-ass mouth who didn't know how to shut up.

Ali stood up to face the bug-eyed boy off.

"Hey glasses! Watch it, would ya?" Ali grumped, dusting dirt off her jeans. "I thought those glasses were supposed to make you see better, dumbass."

"Geez, sorry." Richie backed off.

Ali realized it wasn't just him who was there.

Three other boys stood behind him, staring at her.

Ali recognized two of them.

Bill Denbrough, the stuttering kid. And Stanley Uris, the Jewish kid who everyone called 'Stanley Urine.'

There was this other kid too.

He was smaller than the rest of his friends and he had what seemed like an inhaler in his hand.

Ali had seen him before. He was also known as a 'loser' - but couldn't remember what his name was.

"You should watch where you're going." Ali repeated, a little calmer.

Richie shrugged. "I didn't see you. Sorry."

"Yeah, well no shit you didn't." Ali shook her head.

Ali noticed the little kid staring at her.

"You want me to pose or something?" Ali said sarcastically.

The little kid looked away quick and mumbled "Sorry."

Ali realized she was being a bit mean and she smiled at them.

"Sorry, rough day... Anyway, school's out." She tossed her hair over her shoulder. "What are you guys planning to do?"

"Streetfighter." Richie quickly answered, grinning.

Stanley rolled his eyes. "Well, he's gonna rot this summer. We're gonna go do something that's interesting and won't turn your brain into mush."

Ali smirked. Stanley had this sarcastic tone to his voice that Ali liked. She turned to Richie. "You any good at streetfighter?"

"Hell, yeah!" Richie said ecstatically, thrilled the attention was on him. "I'll be even better after I start my training."

"And that is exactly why the only thing you're good at, is jokes." The little kid sighed.

"Richie, by the way." Richie held his hand out for Ali to shake. "I'm the handsome one."

Ali rose an eyebrow. "Mhm, I can definitely see that..." She said sarcastically, looking at his hand without shaking. "And yeah, I already know. Except for you, the small one."

The little one's cheeks flushed a bit, but he opened his mouth to introduce himself."

"I'm E-"

"Well, well." A familiar voice sneered. "If it isn't the losers. And Ali fucking Sumner? What's a hoe like you doing with the likes of these idiots?"

Henry Bowers and his gang surrounded Ali and the four boys - who looked so scared, she was concerned they would shit themselves.

Ali sighed sadly.

Couldn't give me a break, could you?

Here we go again.

scared, love? || eddie kaspbrak x oc {1} (COMPLETED!!) ~under editing :)~Where stories live. Discover now