Eddie turned around and saw that It-Ali was gone.

The shelves had fully cornered him now but there was one narrow opening between them and Eddie crawled through it. When he did, he was met with more openings and more shelf blockage. Then he realized.

It had trapped him. These shelves weren't just blocking him. They were there to help Eddie play Its game.

Eddie was stuck in a maze.


When Ali opened her eyes, she was expecting to be met by the same white void she had previously been in. Or maybe even the sewers where It had gotten to her. Or maybe she would even see the clown Itself, grinning and staring at her in the most ungodly, nauseating way possible.

But no. Instead, she was met with something rather familiar.

It was a street.

The streetlights in front of her seemed bright in the dim atmosphere. It was raining and the sky as well as the air, was dark and dim and a smell of wet hung in the air.

Houses of brick and stone were lined along by the sides of the sidewalks, each looking as identical as the next.

Ali froze when the realization dawned on her.

She knew this street. Because she had been to this street before. In fact, she had been a former resident here. She-

A boy on a bike suddenly began speeding towards her. It was as if he couldn't even see her. Ali had been so shocked she forgot to move and when she finally did, it was too late. The bike had already reached her.

She closed her eyes and waited for the painful blow of the bike but it never came.

She opened her eyes.

The boy on the bike was five feet past her already, continuing on riding without a care in the world.

It was as if he hadn't seen her at all and...

Ali looked down at her hands. They were there but they seemed...transparent almost. Her hands were ghost-like and a little blurry.

She walked over to a streetlight and gently tapped it with the tip of her finger. Only instead of feeling solid streetlight, her finger went right through the streetlight.

What the fuck...?

Before she could think more of it though, she heard a voice.

'Margaret, I promise you, I will be safe. Stop worrying, dear.'

This voice was familiar. She had heard that voice before and she had loved it once before.

'Dad?!' Ali looked around frantically until she spotted a house.

It was a few houses to her left and she could see the front porch.

Her father was standing there, looking out into the rain. There was a smile on his face, an excited smile.

The front door opened and out came her mother. Or at least, her mother before she became the woman she was now.

Margaret Sumner was beautiful and didn't look a day over twenty. There was a nervous glint in her eyes now but still she had a warm smile on her face.

Ali's father, William Sumner, was equally as attractive as his wife. He was always wearing a pinstripe suit and always wore a smile on his face. It was as if he was hearing a joke every single time of every day. Ali couldn't remember the last time she had seen his father frown.

Without thinking, Ali began to run toward the porch, flailing her arms in the air.

'Mom! Dad! Hey!' Ali called out, a huge grin on her face. 'Hey, guys! Over here...'

Her voice trailed off.

They couldn't hear or see her. It was like she was a ghost.

Then she realized that what she was looking at was the past. This was before her mother had gone downhill. She had gone back into the past and was now reliving it as a ghost watching a memory.

She felt her heart sink.

'You're sure, dear?" Margaret looked out into the rain with her husband. 'It's very rainy, you know? It could be mighty dangerous out there...'

William only smiled. She gave his wife a short kiss on the lips before taking out a striped top hat and plopping it on his head.

He walked out into the rain and did a little funny waltz.

'It's been a while since I've danced in the rain anyway, Margaret!' He laughed as the pouring rain drenched him.

Margaret laughed. 'I've married a madman for sure!'

'If it's a madman you want, it's a madman I'll be!' William blew her an air kiss and Margaret pretended to drop it, rush after it and then blow it back toward William.

He caught it and placed a hand towards his heart.

The couple laughed and exchanged more antics like that before Margaret finally headed back indoors and William began to walk towards his car.

Ali saw the car by the driveway, only a few feet away from her.

'Dad...' She smiled.

William walked past her and entered his vehicle, soaked from head-to-toe.

He was humming as he started the car and began to ride away.

Ali saw the same grey mist fill the air and surround her as her father rode off. The mist grew thicker and thicker until Ali was forced to shut her eyes closed.

Little did she know that when she opened those eyes again, she would find out that she hadn't just been brought back to a random day of the calendar.

This was the day of the car accident. The car accident that took her father's life.

And when she watched her father ride off into the distance, she was watching him ride off into his incoming death.

scared, love? || eddie kaspbrak x oc {1} (COMPLETED!!) ~under editing :)~Where stories live. Discover now