Finding Honey ( Another other other short chapter)

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It was what could be considered a normal hosting day.

Tamaki was doing his weird princely act thing, and the girls loved it.

Kyoya was acting as if he knew everything as usual, and the girls thought it was so mother freaking cool.

The twins were doing their twincest thing, except Kira was in the middle of it, poor thing.

Honey and Mori, well I don't even know what Honey and Mori do, they act like that even when they aren't hosting but yeah, that was happening, I think I recall someone calling it Moe or some ish whatever.

Kyoya had me and Kira bring dessert to some of the hosts so I picked up a few pieces of cake and tea and put it on a tray walking to the "Moe" table for short.

I put the cake and tea down as Honey looked like he was in Heaven and I walked and sat on a couch nearby.

"Honey, what's your favorite flavor of cake?" A girl whom Honey was hosting asked.

He pondered for a while and then said,"I like all types of cake, but if I had to pick one, it would be strawberry!~"He said with a cheery voice.

Kyoya passes by hearing it and commented,"It's because they don't make Mori flavored cake yet".

I looked up hearing his comment. Sounds like a dammed good idea. "I would eat that cake everyday..." I muttered without realizing it, as my eyes locked on Mori.

Kira passed by hearing my comment I assumed and she stopped infront of me with the tray she was carrying, watching me in my trance.

"Geez, your such a pervert sometimes..." She sighed and put the cups and plates on the table, returning to me with a napkin. She then patted right below the corner of my mouth.

"And stop drooling will Ya?" She said smirking and I was snapped out of my trance.

I smacked her hand away and wiped my mouth,"PFTTTTTTTT, I don't know what the hell your talking about, I wasn't drooling, my mouth was crying because I'm hungry...And I want a piece of Mori pie, whats wrong with that?, anyways, off subject here."

"More like your thirsty..." Kira muttered rolling her eyes and smirking.

"What was that?" I asked glaring at her.

"Nothing...Nothing" She said looking away

I then quickly stood and walked the opposite direction of the food, making it obvious I lied.

"PERVERT!" I heard Kira yell from across the room.

"YES YOU ARE!" I yelled in response, not looking back.


The host club was still and process but we currently in the process of putting things away when the door cracked open.

Everyones head turned as we watched it slowly being pushed open, squeaking while doing so. That alerted Kyoya and he started writing in his black book, most likely making a note to fix the door.

The one standing there was Nekozawa, one who I had met not too long ago.

Tamaki flipped out and ran around the room trying to find somewhere to hide in the empty space.

It seems he heard guests were here and he wanted to do some advertising.

"Come to the black magic club...we have cakeee~" He said in a creepy low voice.

My head jerked to Honey, he can't resist cake, could that possibly have reeled him in?

"...Cake?...Really, do you really have cake?!~" Honey said running up to the dark figure.

Transportation: From Natsu's World To The NextTahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon