When I Met HIM (Another Other Short Chapter)

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It was time to transition to the last class after such a long day. I walked thru the halls half asleep when I bumped into something, or someone. The impact was pretty big and a fell back a little but something caught my arm.

"Hey cutie, watch where your going or you could run into something that will bruise that pretty face of yours". A fairly tall figure said to me, I looked up a bit and saw a boy who wasn't familiar to me.

He had short, raven black hair, red eyes and a cross necklace around his neck. His attire was what we could call bad boy/rebel type of clothing, which was also red and black.

And is he really trying to flirt with me, breh please your going to have to do much better than that to even think get me to like you.

I regained my balance and pulled away. "Yeah sure...thanks..." I picked up a book i dropped on the floor.

"I didn't get your name" he said.

I ignored him.

"Mine is Ryu" he said again

I narrowed my eyes at him. "Natsu..."

"Pretty name, it suits you". He said

"How so?" I asked curiously .

"Because the summer is hot" He said rolling his R"

That was extremely lame.

I sighed, making it clear I was annoyed.

"Well it was nice bumping into you, Ill see you later" He said turning around as he began walking.

See me later? PFTTTTTTTT

"And what makes you think that?" I yelled down the hall.

He turned,"Because I know you'll come back, or I'll find you" He winked at me, "Catch you later Cutie" He added before leaving.

It seems he's already developed a nickname for me, tch, boys...


It was host club hours being held outside again. The theme was a kitty cafe. I swear Usa-chan himself suggested it. Or Kira, she has a weird obsession with cats.

I was talking with Kira and Kyoya when I was suddenly hugged from behind in a tight grip. I flinched at the touch already not seeing it coming.

I looked over my should and saw HIM. We're calling it HIM now.

"I'm back Natsu-Chii" Ryu said snuggling into my neck, the one time I wear perfume!

" Don't call me that..." I struggled to get out of his grip which only made him hug me tighter.

"Kyoya...help" I said.

"Who is this?" Kyoya asked pointing to HIM with his pen.

"I don't know..." I gave up trying to get out of his grip.

"He seems to know you..."

"Stalker much?"

Kyoya then glared at HIM and said,"Get off, or we will have no hesitation to use force..." He said smiling at the end, his freaking creepy evil devilish smile.

"Fine, I'll catch you at home" Ryu said smirking as he let go. And I thought the twins were the only perverted ones at this school, jeez.

"Woah, at home? Who is this Natsu?" Kira asked curious.

"I said I don't know!" I yelled

"We met earlier Natsu-chii!"Ryu said.

"I recall no such thing..." I said fixing my cat ears when it hit me "And stop calling me that will Ya!, I'm not your girlfriend, we only met an hour ago!" I said to Ryu.

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