Flowers Touch (Another Short Chapter to Pass the Time while Im low On ideas)

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(No Recap Needed, I'm just lazy)

~Natsu's POV~

So it was after hosting hours, but Tamaki decided the club should be held outside today and that's why it's gonna take us a while to bring all the stuff back to the original room.

But before we started cleaning up Tamaki brought an idea to life, like always.

"We should play a commoners game!" Tamaki exclaimed.

"Another game, means another bet..." Hikaru said to Kaoru.

"And this one, we win..." Kaoru said back to Hikaru.

"Another game?, Did we already have someone get lost in the mall when we played the first one..." Kira brought to attention.

"I wonder who got lost~..." Honey says oblivious.

"Their talking about you, Mitsukuni..." Mori added.

"Well we can't possibly get lost here!, this school yard is basically our playground, we know it up,down,backwards and sideways" Tamaki said moving around for emphasis.

"I think you got that quote wrong Senpai..." I brought to attention.

"it's backwards and forwards, not sideways.." Kyoya said being a smartass.

"...Think you know don't know anything..." I muttered hoping Kyoya didn't hear me.

"Test scores~" Kyoya said walking past me.

"Test scores..." I said in a mocking voice.

"Anyways what game are we playing, and please don't get the name wrong..." Kira said.

He went to Kira asking questions trying to make sure he got the name right, while she just nodded and he returned to his position.

"Its called Tag! But with a twist, we play in the flower maze." He announced.

"Maze....Do you hear that Senpai, maze" I said.

"Yes Natsu, the Flower Maze" He didn't catch on.

"Maze, means there's a possibility of one of us getting lost." I said

"Which is exactly why we will go in pairs!, I pick-" Tamaki was cut off.

"Kira!" I jumped on Kira's back clinging to her for dear life, there's no way I was letting Tamki pick me.

"Takashi~" said none other then Honey.

Hikaru and Kaoru didn't even have to announce their partners which left Tamaki with Kyoya.

"Fine... but you may split up if you need to" Tamki said eyeing me.

Oh Hellz no, I was a permanent sticker to Kira now.

"But when is the game over?" I asked.

"When we have all been It atleast once!" Tamaki answered.

"Fine by me..."Kyoya said as if he was completely sure he wouldn't get tagged.

"Same here" I said glaring at Kyoya.

"Great then we all agree, that Kyoya is it" Kira said.

We all nodded in unison.


We all walked to the flower maze and Kyoya had to allow us a 10 second head start.

"Ready?" Tamaki asked. Since he is Kyoya's partner he could help Kyoya tag other people meaning he had no reason to run, just see where we all went, cheats I swear.

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