Dedicated To Those Who Possess Weird Ass Brotherly Love

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It was almost the end of school here, one more week left. So I will dedicate my time to everyone here in the host club, the Second Contenders are the twins.


We were at the end of the host club when twins decided it would be a beautiful time to help me when all hope was already lost.

Ryu wasnt lying about coming back, so when he left he decided to pay me a personal visit, which of course I was pissed about but according to Kyoya, I wasn't allowed to make customers flee and he didn't officially leave from the room.

"So what time?" He asked me.

Naturally I was confused as fuck. "What time what?"

"Should I come to your house?" He asked me with a smirk.

"Hah, 6:30"

"Why 6:30?"

"Because that's the time Hell's Gates open." I smirked and he frowned a bit.

"Cmon Natsu I-" He reached for me and was cut off as Hikaru and Kaoru magically appeared in front of me. Freaking teleportation skills came in handy.

"I dont know if your a bit confused..." Kaoru said.

"But that meant No in Natsu's sarcastic language..." Hikaru said.

"So with all due respect, Fuck Off~" They told him with a smile.

Seeing as he had no way to get to me, he turned around and walked out the door. I smiled and ended up slinging my arms around both of their their necks to bring them to my level.

"Thanks for that, you guys are pretty harsh tho." I said releasing them.

"Yeah well your one to talk..." Kaoru muttered.

"Especially when your the one dealing with him, we used subtlety." Hikaru said smirking.

"Oh yeah the Fuck Off part, was very subtle, I felt your gentle nature..." I said in a sarcastic tone.

"We do try~" They said in unison. But honestly where were they when I first met Ryu, when I actually needed their help.

I walked away and Kira came over when she was done talking about mineral water and calculators with Kyoya.

"You hugged the twins, you got the twincest touch now, congratulations~" She reached out to shake my hand and then quickly dropped her hand.

"Dont play games with me Kira, thats childish..." I stared at her for a second and then tackled her into a hug so she could possess the "twincest touch" and all you could hear in the background was,

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