A Day Of Gaming [~16]

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Natsu's POV

It was a normal Saturday, for me atleast. I was upside down on Tamaki's couch, head hanging off the bottom, controller in hand, headset on ears, playing Call of Duty and Kira was next to me, sitting like a normal person, like who does that ish, but anyways she died like 20 times already.

"Cmon Kira! Meet me where I told you too, the other guys have already left!" I groaned.

"Ugh, I'm trying but something keeps killing me and I don't see anything!" she protested.

"Breh, are you kidding me, no one is sniping you or anything, you just keep stepping on the same dam land mine!" I said annoyed.

Her eyes went a bit wider and she finally realized her mistake."Ohh, I thought it was funny I kept blowing up, but where is the dam thing?" She asked ceasing to move and looking around cautiously.

I groaned in annoyance. "Ugh, it's right here dumbass!" I flipped over correctly and tackled her just to take her controller and I guided her around the mine which was completely obvious.

"Well sorry, if your dam vision is better than mine, and your used to playing video games, I'm not used to staring at this dam screen..." She said taking the controller back and walking towards the meeting spot.

We played for a bit more and yet again Kira kept missing obvious land mines, failed to shoot enemies and ultimately couldn't dodge grenades.

By the time we were in the same place positioning to shoot, Tamaki came downstairs, I forgot that I lived with that flamboyant bastard.

"Goodmorning Natsu..."He said sleepily.

"...yeah...whats up..." I said focused on the game.

He blinked twice and seemed to have noticed Kira. "Oh my darling Daughter, I didn't see you there!" He said overjoyed.

I'm pretty sure Kira stopped trying as she was just swinging the controller around.

"Goodmorning Tamaki..."She said in a bored voice.

"I see your both playing a friendly game of," He looked up at the screen just in time to see me snipe someone.

"ALRIGHT HEADSHOT, EXTRA POINTS!" I yelled jumping up, thrilled to have reached my checkpoint.

"...war..."He finished in shock at my previous actions.

"Oh yeah, that's right, you kill em Natsu..." Kira said in a bored tone yet again reaching out for a high five.

I didn't like her bored tone so I tried to spark her up a bit. "I'm far too fabulous to touch a commoner such as yourself..." I said holding my hand to the side and dramatically whipping my bands to the side.

It's obvious she didn't appreciate the comment as she immediately stood up and tackled me to the ground.


I just smirked wanting to fire her up a bit more."Rawr...Feisty Commoner..." I said obviously getting a rise out of her.

"...You little..." She just glared at me.

"My two babies bonding together it's absolutely adorable..."Tamaki said swooning at our little display.

Kira and I both turned our heads. "...Idiot..." We said in unison.

The door immediately swung open and two more voices said in unison. "Sisterly love~".

Mother freaking flupping fluuping fleeping Hikaru and Kaoru, were the suspects of the voices.

"Seriously?" Kira said annoyed.

"Were you two outside waiting for us to speak in unison just so you could say that?" I said agitated.

"Well, we weren't waiting..." Hikaru said.

"More like casually standing by..." Kaoru said.

"Stalking..." I said, giving them the correct term.

"Same difference" They said in unison.

"You shady twins were spying on my babies?" Tamaki asked fuming, a dark aura growing from him.

"Well I wouldn't call it that Boss..." Hikaru said.

"Yeah, from where your standing, you could practically see us through the window..." Kaoru said.

Me and Kira did Hikaru and Kaoru's little hand movement twin thing and said in sync,"Creeps..."


Thankfully no other members from the host club joined us by surprise that day, just Me, Kira, Tamaki, Hikaru and Kaoru.

Me and Hikaru spent the rest of the day playing Call of Duty, thank god he was a gamer, we reached the checkpoints way faster, in definitely gonna start making Kira play video games, just put Kyoya's name as the title and boom, she's sold.

Kaoru and Tamaki each stood behind the couch, watching us play while also making small talk in the background, and Kira served the food while sitting between us, when we took a break, me and Hikaru literally fought over the Chip bowl Kira was holding, and then she was just in the midst of it all, poor thing, but she did sit between us.

Things didn't go well, let's just say the chips decided to fly and attack the ground and by then they had scattered all over the living room, and me and Hikaru worked together and made a run for it, we spent the rest of the day hiding in the mall, occasionally switching stores to avoid Tamaki and Kira, but Kaoru ended up finding us and hiding with us, not wanting to abandon his brother, pfft should have seen that one coming.

I was so tempted that when Kaoru reminisced with Hikaru and they hugged, I just had to say,"Brotherly love~". I just had to, hey it got them back for what they did to me and kira, and if your wondering, no we did not get found that day, we had to legit walk back to Tamaki's place when the mall was closing.

Mother freaking Tamaki I swear...

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