Accidents and Revenge [~17]

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~Natsu's POV~

Well Hikaru and Kaoru left but Kira stayed with me and Tamaki and so with that we went to the mall.

Of course me and Kira went around buying a lot of clothes both styles varied between us but let's just say we went around the whole mall atleast once, and we might have lost Tamaki.

But when we were done he was waiting for us by the mall entrance.

"Where were you two? I was beginning to get worried..." He said sighing.

I held up my bags a bit higher. "We were shopping of course..." I smiled.

Kira also held her bags up a bit higher."Whats it look like we were doing?" she asked.

"Buying out the whole mall, and buying the building..." he replied walking away signaling for us to follow.

So as we walked down the road me and Kira began to talk about what we bought.

"What's that for? Pfft are you wearing that for Kyoya" I asked teasing her about the dress as Tamaki flinched in the distance.

"Pftt hell no, it's not even for me, as if I would wear this shit, but if we're talking about that, maybe I should give it to you, im sure Mori-Senpai would appreciate it" She said smirking as Tamaki flinched again this time he turned towards putting a hault in his walking.

"Pfttt as if! I hate dresses and this you know!" I yelled to her.

"You wouldn't hate it if Mori-Senpai loved it..." Her smirk grew

I pushed playfully as punishment for teasing me but it seems I pushed her too hard, and she had the worst fate.

She slowly turned and stumbled, bumping into Tamaki who then fell down and she fell with him landing on top of him and his head rebounded bouncing up and his lips met hers, and she pulled away effective immediately.

Let's just say I laughed my ass off, like I legit died and couldn't breathe for shit.

"BWAHHHH, SHIT, IM SO FLIPPING SORRY, BUT IM NEVER GONNA LET THIS SHIT GO, HAH GOLGI BODY,BOB,SHIT" I yell-screamed while still laughing, dammit Kira was going to kill me.

She got up and it looked like she didn't know what to do with herself, like she ran in circles dying internally, like legit that's what I would do, but I don't think kissing Tamaki is as bad as she's making it seem, NOT saying I like him or anything, pfttt Mori for life but I'm just saying it's probably not as dramatic as that.

Tamaki got up in a mix of emotions not really sure what to do, so he just went in his Emo corner and thought about life.

Oh boy, was I lucky Kyoya wasn't here, he would have killed me, and Tamaki, and probably would have kissed Kira to get the taste of Tamaki off her lips, hehe, I could so see that happening.

I ship it so hard, Kiroya, and now Kiraki! Yush, if I ever say that out loud I legit might be killed by Kira, keeping it on the slick for now.

"Oh you are so fucking dead Natsu, that's it! You wanna play dirty? Then it's war time, and there's no place for children!" She wiped her lips.

"IM NOT A CHILD!" I then realized I had a childish moment just now and I'm calmed myself down."Well then if it's war you want, it's war you get and I don't know if you remember the lesson, but we did once learn about child soldiers, even more dangerous than the adults..." I smirked and I began walking away grabbing Tamaki's hand and pulling him towards his place.


When we got home I just know Kira was out to kill now but anything she did not couldn't effect me if it involved Tamaki, yeah he's not my favorite one to be stuck in an awkward position with, but I can bear it, because when it comes to competition, I always get the gold.

I walked into the kitchen to get a juice box (developing that trait from Honey) and I was confronted by Kira.

"Well played with your aim earlier Natsu, but I have the upper hand..." She told me.

"Oh I'm prepared to face any situation, no matter how bad it may be, it won't faze me" I crossed my arms.

"Oh really, Interesting..." She turned to the open way peering into the living room. "TAMAKI, COME HERE FOR A SECOND!" She yelled for him.

"So your gonna do this directly hm...such an amateur..."I muttered.

Tamaki walked in sensing the tension between me and kira.

"What is it Kira, Is something wrong?" He asked.

She didn't reply just simply passed him but I estimated her next moves and it went as planned as she pushed Tamaki towards me from behind.

Sensing this I turned to the side and crossed my arms not caring what was about to happen next.

And it fucking happened, my internal death and pride was ruined, as Tamaki ended up kissing my cheek. Probably not as bad as getting kissed on the lips, but his flesh touching my flesh, does so much damage to me you don't even know.

Of course I was enraged and prepared to freak the fuck out, but that would show my weakness to the enemy, and we don't have time for that.

I saw Kira look back and grit her teeth as she saw me give no outer physical reaction, I smirked in response showing her it didn't matter to me and she quickly walked away and went upstairs.

To keep my sanity I didn't bother looking Tamaki's way to see his reaction, but let's just say it was on, I was gonna get her back hard, It was gonna be much worse than some petty kiss on the cheek, and it wasn't gonna be pretty, lets just say she would hate me after this.

~Kira POV~

I had to get the memory of kissing Tamaki out of my mind so I decided to relax with a hot bath. Of course I was still in Tamaki's house from our gaming play yesterday.

So I was calmly resting there like a normal person when someone entered and disturbed my peace after I put up a "do not disturb" sign.

Naturally I assumed it was Natsu. I mean she can read but chooses to ignore a lot of things so I closed my eyes and continued to blow the bubbles in the air.

"Natsu, while your in here, care to hand me the shampoo, and the coconut body wash, I'm too lazy to get up and do it myself."

I got no fucking reply so I opened one eye and asked again.

"Natsu, the shampoo and body wash would be much appreciated..." I held out my hand.

Still no fucking reply and nothing was handed to me so I had to do the dirty work myself.

I got up not caring to place a towel around me because it was just Natsu and I got the shampoo and body wash myself, I turned around to confront Natsu,

But instead, I was met, with a fire truck red tamaki...

We both kind of stared in silence for a bit, I didn't what to fucking say, first the kiss and now this shit, I haven't even gotten that far with Kyoya!

So I handled the situation calmly.
"...GET THE FUCK OUT RIGHT NOW TAMAKI YOUR NARCISSISTIC PERVERT RAPIST, IF YOU DONT LEAVE IN 3 FUCKING SECONDS IM CALLING THE COPS!" I yelled and he started to spazz as he ran out, when the door opened the one standing in the door frame, was none other than a smirking Natsu.

"Oh boy is the war getting heated now..." I fumed angrily.

"Oh Kira-chan, on the contrary, this war has only just begun, and Tamaki was simply a pawn (ciel reference) in my battle plan..." Natsu smirked at me as as she walked away from the door.

So she's not just using Tamaki as bait, there will be other sacrifices, lets see how that works out for her...

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