Of course my words never affect him. He turns to me, an unknown expression on his face. He doesn't seem to care what I have to say. He walks right out of the kitchen.

There is so much tension between us I can't stand it. I avoid him the rest of the morning.

"We're the only ones who got his death correct." Thomas walks over to me. I smile, I knew this because of the sloppy joe deal between Sawyer and I.

"No way. He has to pick you." I tell him, excited for his future.

"There is still a lot of competition. But I think I might be on top." He says and I clap my hands.

"Do you want the top intern position?" He questions.

I frown, I did but I'm not so sure anymore.

"No, today is my last day." I tell him. Sawyer gave me a week to prove myself and here I am. I proved myself but his ego and hatred for me overrides everything.

"The program is for five months. You're quitting?" He asks and I nod. More like being kicked out.

"Yeah, I don't think I'm cut out for this." I turn away not wanting to cry.

"We should celebrate. You have to come for drinks later on. Everyone is coming." He tries to sound cheery.

"Maybe." I tell him. "Hey, we should get this done." I start cleaning dirt off rotting bones.

His sad eyes make me feel worse, "Right." He says and we zone in on our work. I go over to the solutions station needing liquid to check if there's blood on the bones.

I aimlessly walk over and grab what I need. I'm in my own world. Zoning everyone out. I quickly turn around and bump into someone.

I bump into one of the twins. Not sure if it's Lina or Lena. "I'm so sorry." The colored solution turns her white coat pink. Her eyes widen and I step back. There's nothing I can do, the solution on her is already dry.

"It's fine." She says and I stand there not knowing what to do. It doesn't help that Sawyers angry eyes are on me. I quickly get a new solution and head back to Thomas. He doesn't notice the mess I caused and continues working.

I let Thomas take over and I just become his assistant. If he needs something I run and get it.

"Tweezers. Thin pointy ones." He says and I head over to the table with all the tools. I grab a tray and everything Thomas wants. When I make my way back I trip over a rock and the tray flies up.

"No!" I yell as I fall. I land on my knees, and I know I scraped them. The loud crash of metal hitting the ground causes everyone's attention to turn to me.

"Hey, are you okay?" Both Thomas and Sawyer are by my side. "Are you okay?" Thomas asks again. I turn to him and grab his hand.

"I'm fine. Just tripped." I nervously laugh as he pulls me up. He pats off any dirt from my arm and back that I can't reach. I feel Sawyers angry eyes on my back but I'm too scared to turn.

"Thank you." I tell him, all my focus on him as I ignore Sawyer.

I quickly pick up everything, sanitize them and continue working.

"It's okay." Thomas says, he sees my shaking hands. He grabs them but his hands are cold and moist. Not like Sawyers.

"I know." I smile.

Everyone goes back into work mode and I just watch Thomas carefully pick out what isn't bone and examines it under a magnifying glass.

"I need more solution." He says and I head back to the solution station. The smell of the chemicals makes my stomach sink and I feel queazy. Either that, I ate too early this morning. I stand there trying to hold in the urge to throw up but it somehow speeds up the reaction and I throw up on the ground.

ELUSIVE (Book 2)Where stories live. Discover now