As soon as it stopped I rode out of it without wasting any time. In the way, I was wishing he would not be in his office so I will take my daily task book and sneak away without him knowing. Still breathing heavily I opened the door and to my surprise, he was not there. I couldn't believe my luck. 

Strange! At this time he is in his office. 

Stop overthinking and grab that damn book and get the hell out of here. 

My inner voice screamed. 

Taking it as my opportunity I sneaked in on my toes while trying to not make any noise. I moved my eyes to look here and there to see if he was inside but he was not so I breathed in relief for a second as I was now sure that I was the only one in the office. I wiped away the sweat from my forehead with the back of my hand and moved my little unsteady hand to grab the book. My shaky hands were not helping me with and on the other hand, my heart was still beating wildly. It felt like I was doing a bank robbery. Well, it was not less than that. My hands only stopped shaking when I took a hold of the book. I pressed it to my chest where my heart was wildly beating inside my rib cage. Now I just need to get the hell out of here before he comes back. 

Thank God at least I won't have to face him before he summons me and I know today his schedule is tied as he has to visit other restaurants too. 

A smile spread on my lips as I knew he wouldn't be able to punish me today. I tried to get out of the office at the same speed I came in. But as soon as I turned my smile slip award from my face I saw a grey-eyed monster standing in front of me with both hands in his pocket and his hard grey eyes fixed on me. I gasped loudly as the book fell from my hand on the floor. 

"Going somewhere, shorty," he asked in his stern voice, making me gulp hard. It felt like my plan of stealing the lion's favorite bone and then escaping from under his nose failed miserably as he caught me red-handed. I gulped hard again as I saw how his grey eyes lingered on the fallen book on the floor. He looked at me with still the same question in his eyes but I didn't say anything as suddenly I felt my voice get lost as I saw him walking towards me with his steady steps. I tried to move back to make more distance between us as he was cutting it very fast with his heavy steps. But I couldn't move back as my bottom hit his work desk. He stopped moving in my direction only when there was one hand distance between us. 

"You were trying to escape with the book in my absence to get away from your punishment for coming late" he accused me in his dark voice. It made me move my head in denial as I didn't want to accept it even though that's exactly what I was trying to do before he caught me. 

"Then," he asked me the reason as he lifted his one eyebrow in question. I still didn't say anything because I had still not come up with one. Gathering my little courage I opened my mouth to speak a lie to him but it again got stuck in my throat as he cut more distance between us. 

"You do remember I hate liars right," he said even before hearing my made-up story. I swallowed hard as he said those words while standing so near me. His strong manly cologne lingered around my nose making me feel more intimate than a second before. He knew that's exactly what I was going to do but he wanted me to accept it. That's why he questioned me like this. 

There is something in this man that makes you think twice before opening your mouth to telling him a lie. He somehow knows everything. What if he even knows that I'm a girl and that's why he always tells me he hates liars to make me confess to him about my disguise. Even this thought passes a bad chill to my whole body. 

Flames of a lieWhere stories live. Discover now