Bucky's Therapy Session | 66

Start from the beginning

"Yeah! And you said he has no family!" I say, crossing my arms and shaking my head slightly.

"Well I do! And I do trust people as well, I trust Steve and Sam and Nat but I trust Peter with my life and Steve's life combined" Bucky adds.

"Ooh did he tell you that he's in love with Steve?" I ask the therapist, who raises a brow at Bucky.

"I'm not in love with Steve..." he grumbles slightly, he's sooooo bad at lying.

"Really? Cuz I'm pretty sure I know love when I see it I mean come on bro you both sing Disney princess songs together, and your hugs are wayyyy too intimate for y'all to be just friends, like daaaaam" I say and he glares at me slightly.

"Okayyyyyy time to shut the hell up, like seriously if you don't stop talking I'll tell Nat you haven't eaten all day" he says, with a slight smirk at that last remark.

"Oh yeah, well if you do, I'll tell Steve that you cursed multiple times today in front of me" I say.

"You do that and I'll tell Harley that you've just been pretending to be going to school lately" he replies, oooooh he went there.

"Tell Harley and I'll Steve that you've still been getting nightmares"

"You wouldn't, and if you do I'll tell Harley that you had a panic attack yesterday"

"Oh yeah well I'll also tell Steve that you're still drowning in guilt from those angry German Nazis!"

"Oh really? Well I'll tell Harley that you've been smoking weed again!" He shoots back and I gasp dramatically.

"You wouldn't!" I claim.

"Boys boys boys, calm down" the therapist person says.

"No!" we both say in unison and she starts to write in her little diary thing.

"Oh you're doing the notebook thing, again?" Bucky says rolling his eyes.

"That's passive aggressive" we both say and grin at each other.

"Jinx you owe me a plum pie!" We both say.

"Jinx again!" We say at the same time once again which starts an endless loop of us saying the exact same phrase many times in unison.

"Jinx again!"

"Jinx again!"

"Jinx again!"

"Jinx again!"

"Jinx again!"

"Gods! If you shut up, I'll get you both plum pie, whatever the hell that is" the woman says and I take that distraction as an opportunity.

"Jinx you owe me a plum pie!" I say and he groans in defeat.

"I don't have time for this, your therapy session is over Barnes" the woman says, tossing her notebook up and just walking out.

We just look at each other and shrug then walk out.

As soon as we leave the building we look at each other for a few seconds then burst out laughing.

"That was awesome!" I say with a grin as we high five and he throws an arm around my shoulders as we walk along the sidewalk laughing.


We both walk out of the elevator and into the living room of the tower where everyone is sat. The tv is on but only Wanda seems to be watching it with a concerning amount of concentration now that I think about it.

"My therapist hates me even more now" Bucky says with a smirk as we both sit down.

"Yeah that's partially my fault" I say with a smirk of my own.

"Oh god" Nat says.

"I don't even wanna ask" Tony scoffs amusedly.

"Really Buck? You brought Peter to one of your therapy sessions?" Steve says, shaking his head in disappointment.

"What? I was proving a point Stevie" Bucky says with a cheeky grin, which I'm pretty sure turns Steve on not gonna lie.

Wanda bursts out laughing and I see her eyes do that thing they do when she's read someone's mind.

Dam, she probably hears what I said in my mind.

"Stucky forever" she grins and we high five, dam I Loki though she was watching the tv.

Speaking of Loki, where is the guy? I saw him a few days ago, I dunno where he went though. He better not have went back to Asgard or a swear to the gods I will find a way to get there just to punch Odin and tell him to stop making Thor and Loki do so many 'royal duties' as they call it. Okay shit, I'm getting kinda sidetracked again, aren't I?

I tune back into the present, nope this is boring, no one is doing anything fun.

Welp guess this is the end of this chapter, adiós amigos!

Shit I broke the fourth wall again!


Hola! How are you all? Good? Bad? Decent? None of the above? ...All of the above?

Ya know what just tell me by saying what Sebastian you feel like today:

Ya know what just tell me by saying what Sebastian you feel like today:

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Also here's a random video of me playing guitar, I've been playing for... wait what time is it? Uhhh 6 hours ig.

Oh and ignore the horrendous singing and overall ugliness 😅

Tada! Pfft I'm such a loser broskis 😂

Peter's Shrug Count: NONE! GUYS IT'S A MIRACLE!

Word Count: 1250

- mayaaa ✌🏼

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