Although I was relieved to have it gone, feeling almost lighter without it. I didn't think it was a good idea being inside him. What if it corrupted him?  Offered him all he could wish for?  

And, what were his desires?

Fuck, ought I push him for another conversation?  That would be the sensible thing to do, although he'd looked pretty pissed when I mentioned it a few minutes ago.

My stomach dropped.  I didn't want to, not right this minute.

Was it selfish to want to ignore the problem and ravish him first, then deal with reality later? Much later.

The Elder's warner sneakily pushed itself between my sexy thoughts, dampening my excitement as I bit down hard on my lip.

No—don't go there.  There would be plenty of time to figure out what she meant. And fix it!

"Tell me what is swirling around that pretty head of yours Pearl."

He snapped me from my thoughts.  Give him the truth and if so... how much of the truth would he want? 

Would it be best to be up front of needing him between my thighs, in me... on me... him fucking me till I couldn't stand up? 

Rein it in Pearl.   "I was thinking about you... us, together."  My words weren't no where near as crude as my thoughts, but still suggestive.

His long strides didn't falter, but he quietened. Even the surrounding wilderness seemed to still.  

Had I said the wrong thing?

"You can put me down if you like. I can walk." 

"No, I prefer having you in my arms, close to me.  You calm and arouse me in equal measure."

YeesssJackpot! "Yes, me too, I mean yes, the same." I was waffling.  Urgh!  I pressed my face into his chest and inhaled deeply. How could anyone smell this good? I practically wanted to suck his skin as my mouth watered.

He let out a groan, one of need rather than one of frustration, as he adjusted me in arms putting breathing space between us.

Nooooo, I didn't want to be further away from him; I wanted to be closer! "What's the matter?" Sounding a little desperate.

"I'm not sure I can make it back to my pack house.  The need to claim you is strong."  He paused.  "My wolf wants you too."

Hell, why fight it?  I'd imagined so much mental porn involving me and him and me. I was ready to seal the deal.  "Then what's stopping you?"

"If I take you now Pearl, I will not be gentle."

Gentle—spank me pink!   Who wanted gentle?   "Believe me Cassius, gentleness is the last thing you or I need right now!"

He looked at me with such tenderness, I swallowed slowly feeling breathless. "Every woman's first time should be gentle Pearl.  I want that for you."

Fuckity-fuck!   Surely he didn't think I still held my V card?  I was damn sure he didn't have his—stalker at the pack hospital had shown that.

Should I be honest?  We were mates, after all.  Fated and all that.  

And trust and honesty were integral to that.  But I also understood the fragility of a male's ego, and I knew there was no way to put a good spin on it. 

But I couldn't pretend I was a virgin, either. 

Fuck!  Fingers crossed he took it well. Or my wolf and my vagina would never forgive me.

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