Burst Out

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I held his wrist and pulled him inside at once, I LOCKED THE DOOR AND TURNED TOWARDS HIM.

"You don't have to be so rough, I can come in myself if you want me to" He replied and started walking towards me. "Why you pulled me inside..??" He raised an eyebrow and reduced the distance between us.

Before I'm lost again, I kept my palm on his chest and said "Stop" , "why..?" He replied.

"What why..??, Shut up and just talk for sometime, I'm not sleepy" I said Calmly.

He smiled and grabbed my wrist, He made me sit on the bed and sat beside me. "so..!! tell me" He said and I asked him "Shall we sit down..?? Let's lean to the bed and sit down..!!" , "How Romantic..!!!" He said with a wide smile. "Shut up, It'll be comfortable" I hit on his hand, we sat down and leaned our heads on the edge of the bed.

We are silent for few seconds and I broke it "Tell me then, How your childhood days were..?, How about your collage days..??, Your friends..??" His expression changed slightly, He became uncomfortable, He sighed and replied "I don't want to talk anything about past but The Boys whom you have seen are my everything, We are childhood friends and also family friends, We always be together, Except them I don't have anyone" I nodded at his reply and smiled.

"Girlfriend..?" I asked him hesitatingly. "You think I have one..??" He looked at me and raised his eyebrows. I said nothing and was silent "For you..? Boyfriend..??" He asked me. "I have" I replied softly.

"WHAT..??" He shouted out loud. "Taehy-" , "YOU HAVE A BOYFRIEND..??", "Slow down why-", "THEN HOW COME YOU DID NOT TELL ME IN THE FIRST", "Shh, shh, shh", "I'M REALL-" I cut him off by closing his mouth. "I don't have okay..??" I whispered and sighed.

I took my hand from his mouth, he smiled widely and showed his teeth "Heeeee" , "Happy now..??" I asked him. He nodded smiling widely , I smiled back.

"I have this doubt from long back...,,, Why is everything black in here..??" He asked me. "Ahh, I like black so much, soo....!!!" I replied. "Come on I'm not a kid, Just tell me..,," He said and turned towards me.

Tae's POV

She sighed and titled towards me and said "My DAD, He is so young, great looks and handsome, He always like Black things, like whenever we go out, He buys me something related to black, One day I asked him 'Dad why do you like black so much.?' , Then you know what he said 'My first love bought me a black shirt and proposed me' I laughed out loud hearing his reason, Then he was like 'why are you laughing I'm in 10th class when she did that , That is more for us in those days' , I laughed again and asked 'So, you accepted..??' then he replied 'NO, When I proposed my first love she did not accept me, When she proposed me I'm in relation with another girl' , '''And that is me''' My MOM walked outside of the kitchen and reached us. '''And you know something y/n , He did not accept her but took off the black shirt''' We three laughed like crazy"

She finished saying it , She is smiling widely all the time she spoke about her family, I laughed along with her all the time she spoke about funny , funny things she did.

"That black story is killing" I laughed out loud, "I know right, Whenever I enter in the bedroom, My first memory to be flashed is this" She replied with a small smile. 

"So, that is why I liked it like this" She said. I nodded and smiled.

"So, Anything left..??" I asked her after speaking for a long time. "Many, I told only few..!!" She replied and I widened my eyes and said "Woah..,,, How many you hid in that small tummy of yours..??" She laughed out loud. 

y/n's POV

"I'll ask you some questions then, You have to answer genuinely and faster..!!" He asked me. I'm excited and said "yes, okie, Ask me"

Same Roof |K.TH| {kth  x  y/n} [UNDER EDITING]Where stories live. Discover now