40| Im Here

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"It's all for one and one for always , you're there for me in life's little hallways and I'm here. I'm here ."  -Sweet Talk Radio

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| tapped the door twice and waited. When there was no response, | frowned and knocked again.

Again, nothing. | checked the gold plate with the room number just to be sure and was even more confused when I realized that the number there was the same one Jennie had texted me earlier.

| knocked again, this time more insistently. As far as | knew, she wasn't leaving that day. And when | went to reception and found my ticket cleared, the receptionist confirmed that Jen hadn't left the room, so she was certainly present.

So it didn't make any sense for her not to open the door for me.

| pulled out my cell phone and dialed her number. Called, called, called and went to voicemail.

With a sigh, | knocked on the door again.

- Jen?! - | called. When | got no response, | raised my voice. - It's me, Lisa. Are you there?!

| was about to knock a third time, but stopped when | heard the click of the key turning in the lock. In moments the door opened and Jennie's image was revealed to me.

She was wearing full pajamas, pants and a sweatshirt. Her hair was completely messed up and her face was swollen. Her eyes were glassy, worse than on our video call, like the eyes of a stoned person.

Her forehead was damp with tiny beads of sweat. | noticed, with an odd sensation, that a powerful gust of heat escaped the room when the door was opened.

The heater must have been on full blast, and it wasn't even a particularly cold day in New York.

Jennie kept looking at me groggily and I frowned deeply, trying to make sense of the scene itself and the lost expression stamped on her face.

"Jen," | muttered, studying every inch of her features.

She blinked a few times and lifted her gaze to meet mine. Her eyes sparkled for a moment and a dazed smile curved her lips.

- Lisa! she exclaimed suddenly, her voice almost floating.

| frowned a little more, still studying her face and finding her expression very curious. A shiver of fear ran down my spine.

- Did you forget | was coming today? - | managed to ask.

- You what? Oh no! I slept - she smiled. - | slept and wasted time. But you came!

She let go of the door and came to me, throwing her arms around my neck. Her face sank into my chest and, at the mere touch, | immediately worried - in fact, | just got even more worried than | already was. Jen burned. It was extremely hot. It wasn't a normal body temperature, and of that |
was pretty sure.

| dropped the suitcase and hugged it lightly, searching my memory for any drug | knew would put someone in that state.

"You have a fever, Jen," | muttered in pure
confusion against her hair. - Are you feeling bad? - Oh, what? No, no. Not bad.

| pulled her back a few inches so | could get a better look at her face. - You're too hot, my angel. Much.

"| was feeling cold,” she said with a shrug. But her answer didn't make any sense to me.

You Give Love A Bad Name //JENLISAWhere stories live. Discover now