05| Attention

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"You just want attention, you don't want my heart." - Charlie Puth

(You just want attention, you don't want my heart)

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As it happened every morning, I woke up a few minutes before the cell phone woke up. Still with my eyes closed, I reached out to the right, where my nightstand was supposed to be. When I found nothing but a gap, I opened my eyes wide and took a minute to understand that I was not in my room.

I looked around, blinking a few times to locate myself.

There were shelves with books that looked untouched, an armchair under the window, some pictures with strange paintings, the closed doors of a closet, and the lonely bathroom door. The painting was entirely white, in a cream tone, and only a few beige details broke the monotony and made the place elegant.

Everything was perfectly organized, clean and tidy.

It looked like a room that was not used, only maintained by periodic cleaning.

Everything was perfectly organized, clean and tidy.

I was on the wide, soft bed, lying on the edge, almost falling off her. I jumped up, going over the previous night in my head.

After I went up to Lisa's room, I resisted her stupid and drunken teasing for a long time while I was sitting in the armchair. But must have fallen asleep, because I don't remember anything after. Besides, I had plans to leave when she fell asleep.

And I don't even remember if she slept or not.

In fact, I didn't remember anything. I Not even how I ended up on that bed.

I looked at my own body, and saw with a sigh of relief that I was fully dressed in the clothes from the night before. Except, perhaps, for my heels. But I didn't have to look very hard to find them carefully rested at the foot of the chair. I Lisa was not in the room, much to my happiness.

I took a step toward the door in an attempt to see if anyone was nearby, and toucned the golden doorknob, but it opened before I made any effor

A short woman in a patterned suit carried a wellfolded washcloth in her hands, with a brush and toothpaste - both sealed - on top.

"Miss. Lalisa thought she would like it" said the woman in a monotone.

That made me have a slight sense that she was constantly visiting that room to do that same thing.

The place was probably very busy, although it didn't look like it.

Before I could even react, the woman placed the towel with the brush and toothpaste in my hands and pointed behind her.

"Breakfast will be served in minutes in the main lobby."And then, as suddenly as it came, it was gone.

I stood there, staring at the objects in my hands, not knowing what to think.

And then, almost automatically, I closed the bedroom door and let my body guide me to the side door, next to the closet, where I believed to be the bathroom in the suite.

I went in there, seeing that the place looked as untouched as everything else, and I immediately tried to brush my teeth, wash my face and then dry it with the white towel. I looked at myself in the mirror, and I blushed at the involuntary thought that Lisa had seen me that way, with her hair all messed up and tangled.

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