08| Blinding Lights

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"You don't even have to do too much, you can turn me on with just a touch, baby." - The Weeknd

(You don't even have to do much, you can turn me on with just a touch, love)

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As soon as I stepped out of Manoban Mansion, I took a deep breath for patience and squeezed the photographic panels tightly under my arm.

My dad was waiting for me by the Porsche, absently adjusting the cuffs of his dark blue jacket But as soon as the door opened, he immediately
went on alert and directed his attention to me.

"We need to talk about Friday night and your presence at the Monopoly Party," he said calmly.

I passed right by him, my lips twisted with contempt, feeling my night cloud just by hearing that stupid voice. I had been avoiding him even more than usual since I received the wedding invitation from Mare, the housekeeper, and not from him.

Nothing in the world made my smile dissipate like that man's presence. Especially in the last week.

"We don't need to talk about anything." I snarled. turning the Porsche around and throwing myself into the driver's seat. I practically threw the panels into the rear seats.

He leaned in the passenger window, looking at me with pious eyes. Eyes that ai had inherited, and that I hated more than anything. Even in the shadows of the night, ai could see every detail of his face unchanged.

"I need your presence, Lalisa. Is important. The RCA people want to meet you. And they don't give up on that."

I pretended not to hear him as I fumbled for the Porsche key from the bag.

"You will replace me as CEO after I retire," he insisted. "They want to know if they can trust you to keep the contract. This sponsorship is important for our new car line, Lalisa. It is important for your future."

"I don't need your company to guarantee my future," I said coldly, finally finding the key at the bottom of the bag. I turned it on in the ignition
Angrily and heard the engine roar satisfactorily.

"Lalisa. please "my father asked very patiently.

"Ask Mia" my smile came out cold and full of anger. "After you marry the secretary, she will be officially your daughter. Promise her the post of CEO and she'll do what you want. It will follow you everywhere like a good obedient little girl."

My father took a deep breath, his hands resting on the window frame.

"Mia is a great girl, but you are the one who has my blood. And it's you that I need at the party. If she is not present, Peter Edge is unlikely to close the deal and I don't intend to take any chances. MMC is ours, Lalisa. Our. Mine, yours and your mother's. This sponsorship guarantees an entire generation going forward."

I laughed scornfully at the mention of my mother, shaking my head from side to side. Pathetic.

However, as much as I wanted to let him down with all my strength, whether or not the Manoban Motor Company was part of me. And I loved her. Even though I didn't use the cars there primarily to irritate my father - I loved each one. Designs, engines, practicality and technology. And sponsoring large companies - and even having theMMC logo printed by them - was extremely Important. I was aware of this because I was prepared all my childhood to take my father's place after he retired. It was a great desire for me to go back to MMC, although I did not admit it out loud because I knew that it was also my father's greatest wish.

You Give Love A Bad Name //JENLISAWhere stories live. Discover now