18| Afraid of Letting go

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" Gotta take a chance or we can take it slow. Baby, just don't be afraid of letting go." - Now United

(We have to take a chance or we can take it slow. Honey, just don't be afraid to give in)

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My body was sunk in the bed, open arms and attentive eyes trained on the white ceiling. The sun passed through the glass wall and slid down my skin, warming every exposed piece.

My mind was free of thoughts, completely peaceful.

| was so immersed in nothing, | almost didn't hear the door opening and the footsteps that crackled as they approached me.

Rosé's face came into view. She bit her lip and, without needing permission, crawled across the bed and lay down beside me, throwing an arm over my abdomen.

Her nose touched my cheek and her body joined completely with mine.

We stayed like that for a long period of time, not to mention, just sharing that comfortable quiet climate. She broke the moment a long time later, by asking:

" Are you okay?"

| sighed, blinking a few times and opening the floodgates that had held my thoughts so far, letting them circulate freely in my head again.

"The secretary is already there,” | said. - At the mansion."

Rosé squeezed me a little more, as she always did when she tried to help me feel better or when she would say something that | might not like. tv

"| know how difficult all of this is for you, Liz, but you need to understand that your father moved on. And that’s it. It is not something you can change. Grieving yourself will not help you at all."

Something | wouldn't like, then.

"Are you saying that | should simply accept?"| asked, a little too dry.

Rosé ran her fingers in a gentle caress on the side of my body.

" Liz, your father loves Joanna. This is evident. And she loves him too."

| laughed scornfully. - She loves his money.

"You don't know that"Rosé replied calmly. "Barely exchanged two words with the woman. And she may be the mother of Mia's adder, but | don't think she's like her daughter. | saw in her eyes that she really likes your dad."

| snorted, feeling more and more uncomfortable climbing up my spine.

"| have the impression that reading so many romance books is starting to mess with your psychological, Rosie."

"There is a very specific gleam in the eyes of someone in love,” she said, ignoring my comment. "And | can make out that glow."

"Uh, of course | do," | scoffed.

"I'm serious" Rosé insisted. "And | know that deep down you care about your father's happiness, although you don't admit it to yourself."

| turned my body to the side, facing my friend with ice in the eyes. She held my gaze without wavering.

"He killed my mother, Rosie," | said with a clenched jaw. "I hate him."

| rolled away from his touch and stood up, adjusting my clothes and hair while picking up the Porsche keys from the nightstand.

You Give Love A Bad Name //JENLISAحيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن