01| This woman is dangerous

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" This woman is dangerous, she'll break your heart and keep you runnin 'back for more." - Bon Jovi

(This woman is dangerous, she will break your heart and make you come back for more)

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I was taking a couple's order when the bell at the cafeteria door chimed, indicating that a new customer had arrived.

Of course, due to the commotion the newcomers made, the bell was completely unnecessary.

My gaze slid to the door, and I saw Lalisa Manoban and her group of friends talking loudly as they headed for a set of tables further away.

She had her arm around a blonde girl's shoulders, probably her sixth acquisition of the week.

I finished taking the order, wished the couple a good afternoon, and headed over to the newcomers' table.

I was already used to the noise they made, and the way in which they completely took over the environment when they arrived. Almost every day,

at that same time, they went to Park's for a snack.

Lalisa, Rosé, Jisoo and Jungkook - inseparable friends. Each day, however, his companions changed. More often, Lisa's.

As they settled into the seats, I stopped at the base of the table and held up the clipboard and pen.

"Good afternoon," I said automatically. - "The same?"

Rosé, who was the friendliest of all, smiled sweetly and nodded.

I jotted it down quickly and turned to the blonde Lisa was still wrapping around with one arm, although I didn't give her any more of that attention. Manoban was focused on the old pink camera she always wore, so she didn't even look up at me.

She never looked up at anyone. It was the people who looked up at hers. -" ls that you?" - I asked the blonde.

"The same as Lisa," she said. I realized that her words were more to get Lalisa's attention than anything else, although it didn't work well.

I finished taking notes and gave the group my best friendly smile. Or, at most, to Rosé, since she was the only one who noticed my existence.

- "Feel free, in minutes the food comes out."

Rosé smiled back and thanked me, and I retired behind the counter where Jimin was. I handed him the clipboard, and he, in turn, put it in the drawer that also opened up in the kitchen behind us, where the chef would receive it and prepare orders.

-" Do you think that girl with Manoban is a friend or a lover?"
Jimin asked absently when he returned to me.

I started cleaning the counter while he took the broom and started sweeping back there. The movement on Thursdays was little.

-" And does it matter?" I asked, bored.

- "Tomorrow she will bring another one." - "Or not" - Jimin replied. - "Maybe this is for real."

I shrugged my shoulders. I really had no interest in Lalisa Manoban's life. As far as I knew, she was petty and arrogant, and did her best to irritate her father.

You Give Love A Bad Name //JENLISAΌπου ζουν οι ιστορίες. Ανακάλυψε τώρα