28| Hurts Like Hell

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"I loved and | loved and I lost you, and it hurts like hell. Yeah, it hurts like hell."-Fleurie

(l loved  and I loved  and lost you, and it hurts like hell, Yeah, it hurts like hell)

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My lungs burned, ripped, scraped inside me. The air didn't come out along with the tears dried on my face, and that's when | knew | was having a panic attack. A terrible panic attack like | haven't had since running away from my father.

| parked the car in front of Park's with great difficulty and staggered outside, scratching my throat as if it would help me breathe better.

It was late Saturday afternoon and there was no one around. | had no idea how | was going to get to the loft, or how | was going to turn the key in the lock.

| continued to stagger blindly and bumped into someone, Or someone bumped into me,

- What's wrong with you?! - the person asked. | thought | knew the voice, but | was too stunned out of breath to figure out who it belonged to.

My entire body shook, and | felt sweat wrapping around me like a second layer of skin.

It was a nightmare being relived, only worse. Worse, because Lisa meant a lot more to me than Kai ever did. And the simple fact that she meant so much made the pain so much more, so much more unbearable and impossible to bear. Especially since she knew everything I'd been through, absolutely everything, and acted like she didn't. As if it were no big deal.

The person lowered me right there, in the middle of the empty parking lot, and | felt her hands on my shoulders. Extremely steady hands.

Her face was blurry before my wet eyes, and | could barely hear his voice under my painful gasp.

- It's okay, okay? Everything is fine. Are you okay. Look at me, Can you hear my voice? Listen to my voice.

| blinked a few times to try to see her. After many tries, my eyes cleared enough for me to see her. Jisoo.

My first impulse was to push her away, but | was too weak and couldn't. Besides the fact that her presence only made it worse. She was Lisa's friend. You should know about the bet. What the hell was she's doing there?

The burning in my throat increased considerably and my heart twisted into a pounding so powerful that | clenched my hands over it, as if that would stop the pain.

- Jennie, listen to me. Calm down, okay? Calm. It's gonna be okay. Take a deep breath. Inhale and exhale slowly. Slowly.

"Y-you..." | managed to let it out in between gasping breaths. But talking was a bad idea, as the air escaped me again.

Jisoo's hands gripped my shoulders a little tighter, ensuring | stayed in place. She probably realized that | was made worse by her sudden appearance.

- You'll talk to me later, ok? Now focus on calming down. You are having a panic attack, but it will pass. My sister suffered a lot from it, so I'm pretty aware of what it’s like. Focus on my voice. Listen to my voice and stop thinking about what's making you this way. Stop thinking about everything. Just listen to my voice, okay? Can you do this?

| forcibly swallowed hard, holding myself hard not to scratch my throat for air. | decided to let go of the anger for a moment and nodded to let Jisoo know | was listening to her.

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