#45 * Because Of You...

Start from the beginning

"What do you say we go find her? Together, because that makes us strong." I wink.

Athena's pov:

Honestly, what does Nike think?! That she has to hand me every victory?! That I'm not smart enough to come up with a strategy to win on my own?!

I don't have to win every time either. It's fine if I fail that's how I get better. That doesn't mean I like failing though, but I can't get better if miss victory basically hands me the laurel on a golden platter.

I had no idea where I was going. Somewhere away from her for now so I could cool down and just be on my own for a moment.

Somehow I ended up in the arena. Kind of makes sense because usually when I need to get rid of some feelings (any type) I'll go there and spar. Either an (un)lucky nymph, satyr, god or virtual enemie would be my partner for the session.

Since the arena was deserted the virtual enemies would have to do. I didn't mind. I didn't want to accidentally kill someone you know. Happened before and it left some trauma.

I started up a sequence and started sparring with a virtual Cyclops.

I ducked as it's sword flew over my head and rolled forward between its legs. I turned around as fast as I could and jumped up, landing on its shoulders and planting my spear in its head making it disintegrate into tiny blue cubes.

Behind me I heard the roar of a virtual dracon. I couldn't control the smirk that appeared on my face as I cast a look over my shoulder to see my enemy rushing towards me.

Alexia's pov:

Mommy and I found momma in the arena. She was fighting monsters. It was really cool to watch. It was almost as if her spear was part of her arms.

"Mommy?" I asked.

"Yes honey?" Mommy replied.

"Do you think I can be like that when I grow up?" I said, pointing at momma.

"You can be anything you want when you grow up. If a soldier is what you desire than yes, you can be like that." Mommy said, smiling.

She was looking at momma too. I couldn't decide if she looked at her as if she wabted to tear her apart for leaving or run up to her, hug her and never let go.

I like to think I didn't know because mommy didn't know either.

Nike's pov:

After watching Athena slash through monster after monster, Alexia started going down the steps of the arena. All the way down into the arena it self.

I watched as she walked up to Athena, who seemed rather busy still. This couldn't end well. I got a strange feeling in my gut as if something was going to happen.

Slowly I started going down the steps myself. Following after Alexia. Just in case.

I was still quite far away when it happened actually. I saw how Alexia approached Athena from behind, touching her back to get her attention.

I saw the grey eyes flash with a golden light as she drew her spear and let it slash through the air. Time seemed to slow down when I kicked off and flew forward.

No way in Hades was she going to hurt out daughter.

Athena's pov:


The sound of metal slamming into metal pierced in my ears as I was thrown back with a force I hadn't counted on. I slammed into the back wall and fell forward onto the sand of the arena.

No simulation could've ever done that. I look up holding my head and feeling a warm liquid drench my hands. When I look at it my hand look gold.

'I'm bleeding.' It echoes in my mind.

'But how-'

My thoughts are cut short when I look up. I see Nike breathing heavily, her arms wrapped around a crying Alexia. My girlfriends wings are lowered but I can clearly see the slash mark I made. Those beautiful golden wings...

I try to get up, but I think if I do I might throw up. Everything is becoming blurrier the more time passes. My ears still ring and my head hurts.

The last thing I properly see before passing out is Nike looking at me with a worried and pained look as she holds Alexia.

If you have a family you'll know that 'it's the worst if they cry or are in pain because of you...'


Hey kiddos. First of all let me say I didn't mean for this story to get as dark as it did, but I'm also not really sorry because it shows a different side of our couple you know? On a completely other note though, thank you sooo much for 2k reads you guys!! That's insane and I love it sooo much. A big thank you to all of you for showing your support. It really means the world to me. Have a good day kiddos!

- Athena

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