Chapter three.

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I sigh leaning back into my seat

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I sigh leaning back into my seat. Luke groans next to me running his hands over his face. Our father was practically jumping up and down in his seat overjoyed with excitement. 

"Father we aren't even sure if it's actually them don't get to excited!" Luke blurts out.  My father looks at Luke shaking his head.

"You have to have hope son our family might finally be complete once again!" My father grinned. I only shake my head taking my eyes off my happy father . 

He's more happy than he's ever been since the day the twins were born.  It hurts knowing he loves strangers more than us .  All he ever wanted was to have his precious twins instead of the kids he always forgets.

He missed my birthday due to work which was pretty stupid since he was home all day.   The sad part is he never told me happy birthday or that he's sorry. 

"Eric come on we're here" Luke voice snaps me back into reality. I turn to my right to see my brother standing out of the car with a annoyed face expression plaster on his face. 

I get out the car following after our father who's speed walking inside the high school.  

Here goes nothing I guess.

I look at Eric before walking into the principal office where my father had just gone in

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I look at Eric before walking into the principal office where my father had just gone in. I was thirteen when the twins had gone missing. It broke my family in half not only had we lost the twins but we lost my mother.

That day I had became not only a older brother but a father to my younger siblings. I groan before walking inside making sure my face along with Eric's were empty. No emotions were showing in our green eyes.

My attention snaps towards the two teens sitting in front of us. They were truly beautiful. The only thing that seem to stick out besides their looks was how they showed themselves.

Their faces were so doll and dead. No emotions were swimming in their eyes. The boy was looking up at us holding his sister hand. I took the time to take in Alexander. He was wearing a black turtleneck with a leather jacket. A sliver chin was placed around his neck. His nails were painted black with a snake ring on his middle finger. What surprised me the most was a wolf tatto on his right arm.

Eric seemed to notice that as well since his eyes were purely only looking at it.

"Are you done checking us out or?" A female voice snaps me out of my gaze. My eyes met with Alexandera stormy grey ones. I scoff rolling my eyes.

"My god you two are absolutely stunning" my father voice slightly cracks as he looked at the two with so much love in his eyes. This shocked me. My father was never one to show any type of emotions in public. He always had a poker face on with a angry glare to match it. Only this time his eyes were soft.

"Im aware thank you but who are you?" She asks raising one of her eyebrows. Alexandera was wearing a black turtleneck with a plaid skirt. She had a leather jacket hung on the back of her shoulders.

"I'm your father and these two are your older brothers Luke and Eric" my father spoke with pride laced in his voice

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"I'm your father and these two are your older brothers Luke and Eric" my father spoke with pride laced in his voice. Eric and I only nod at the twins . They seemed unfazed by our rudeness since they only sent a smirk to match our frowns.

"You probably already know this but I'm Alexandera and this is Alexander" she says holding up the the hand which was holding onto Alexander.  He only sends us a glare causing my father shoulder to drop slightly.

A throat clears causing everyone eyes to look at the principal. He looks at the twins slightly gulping before turning to face us.

"Just sign here and you can go.."he trails out looking anywhere but my father eyes. I look at the twins raising my eyebrow in questioning. What did they do to this poor man? Why is he shaking so badly?

A/n hi! So here is alex arm tattoo. 

It truly has a meaning to it

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It truly has a meaning to it. Just continue reading to find out also here's Alexandera arm tattoo cause why not :)

 Just continue reading to find out also here's Alexandera arm tattoo cause why not :)

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You'll understand why he got a wolf and why she got a Tiger very shortly...

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