Emotions are... complicated... (SeroBaku) pt 1

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"It's my fault." Midoriya stared at the ground, shaking slightly, clenching his fists as flashes of Bakugo breathless beneath him played at the edges of his mind.

"SHUT IT DEKU!" Bakugo tried to be intimidating but his voice came out more like a plea. He didn't want to remember how weak he felt... how lonely... how abandoned...

Sero placed his arm around Bakugo's shoulder and pulled his friend close "Continue." he nodded at Midoriya.

"After one of our missions we went and got drunk..." Midoriya's shoulder dropped as tears ran down his face. It hurt to know he'd never see that genuine smile Bakugo had that night. "We went back to Kacchan's place... things got heated..."

"Then you fucked me and left without a word..." Bakugo's voice was airy barely above a whisper as he gripped Sero's pants "Left me there alone and broken hearted." his hands trembled as a swirl of emotions made him light headed.

"Fuck, okay..." Sero pinched the bridge of his nose "Holy shit Midoriya, what the fuck?" He was not only extremely pissed but completely baffled and worried. How would Bakugo ever learn to trust people when the people he let in kept breaking him?

"I was drunk... it doesn't make sense now, but at the time I thought he'd rather I leave... I... I'm sorry." Midoriya knew he didn't deserve to be forgiven, he knew moments after he'd left that he'd fucked up. But still... he'd hoped it wasn't as big of a deal as he'd worried it would be... seeing Bakugo's face now completely blank with his eyes distant and lifeless... the gravity of what he'd done sunk in.

"Could've at least wiped me off with a fucking towel before you left..." Bakugo rested his head on Sero's chest. "Just fucking go away Deku... You already got what you wanted..." he closed his eyes and tired to push away his emotions, focusing solely on Sero's heartbeat. "Just go."

Midoriya tried to reach for Bakugo but Sero stopped him and shook his head, gesturing for him to leave. "I really am sorry." he whispered softly before heading home.

Sero and Bakugo stayed on the bench in silence, the street lamps clicking on as it got darker. The evening still and quiet. Unfortunately, the calm atmosphere did little to sooth either of them.

After some time, Sero scooped Bakugo up and walked to the normally explosive blond's house.

When they got there Bakugo gripped Sero tighter not wanting to let go but also not wanting to have to ask him to stay.

"Is it okay if I stay?" Sero worded the question carefully as he set down Bakugo, knowing if he asked if he wanted him to stay, the ash blond's pride would make him say no.

"Do whatever you want." Bakugo let go of Sero's shirt and went inside hoping Sero would follow him in.

Bakugo face planted onto the sofa trying to ignore his emotions but the moment Sero started to rub his back, he couldn't help the gut wrenching sobs that threatened to strangle him as they escaped.

Unsure what to say, Sero stayed silent and just continued to rub Bakugo's back, hoping to sooth him some.

When Bakugo finally ran out of tears, he slowly sat up as his arms threated to buckle under his weight. He wiped his puffy and blotchy face, trying to pull himself back together.

"Let's get you out of your costume and into something more comfortable okay?" Sero's voice was soft and comforting

Bakugo looked over at Sero half expecting to see a look of pity but was only met with a soft loving look. He didn't understand why Sero was always so good to him, he didn't understand why Sero never seemed to pity him despite having seen him at his lowest points. Was it love? Did Sero feel the same way he'd grown to? Had Sero loved him from the beginning? He didn't want to get his hopes up... not after the last two times... "Yeah..." he didn't resist at all when Sero scooped him up again and took him to his room.

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