The Roommate's Secret (KiriBaku) Quirkless Au

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Monster fucker week #BNHAmonsterweek

Thursday the 28th/2021 - Transformation

It was clear to the group that Bakugo was hiding something. Locking himself away at the same time every night with no exceptions. Other people assumed he was just very routine driven but those closest to him could tell something else was up. Kirishima in particular was worried about him since in their apartment he was the one that shared a wall with him. He often heard pained noises and sometimes things being tossed and broken. Unsure what to do, he decided to do something extremely risky, something that would definitely be a violation of privacy. But his curiosity was too strong, he needed to know what was wrong with his best friend.

With a little struggle, he hid under Bakugo's thankfully raised bed and waited for the blond to come into the room. Like clockwork the door locked. He waited a few minutes and almost gasped when Bakugo shucked off his clothes, tossing them to the ground angrily. Then he heard a pained whine and a faint cracking sound he'd never heard through the wall. Soft sobs filled the room, occasionally broken up by pained whimpers. He couldn't let his best friend be in whatever kind of pain he was, alone. Just as he was about to take a peek, the sobbing paused followed by loud sniffing. Suddenly, a loud thud resonated through the room as Bakugo dropped to the floor, piercing red eyes glared at him before a clawed hand grabbed his shirt, roughly yanking him out of his hiding spot.

"The fuck are you doing in here?" Bakugo growled more animalisticly than usual, his eyes were slits and his expression far more feral, accentuated by being naked.

"I just wanted to make sure you were okay!" Kirishima put his hands up in a gesture of surrender "I hear you struggle every night. I just wanted to see if I could help." he was confused by Bakugo's change in appearance but his determination didn't falter.

"Can't, now get out." Bakugo tossed Kirishima toward the door before another whine escaped his lips

"Please just tell me what's going on." Kirishima pleaded, catching his balance and reaching a hand out

"I SAID GET OUT!" Bakugo jerked away from the incoming touch like it might set him ablaze.

"NO!" Kirishima stood his ground, puffing his chest as best as he could. He knew his friend was stubborn but if he held firm at least Bakugo would know he cared.

"Please Ei... I... " a jolt of pain made Bakugo snap his jaw shut, gritting his teeth together so hard they squeaked.

"Don't push me away, please." Kirishima spoke softly as he took a step toward Bakugo.

Trying to take a step back, Bakugo's leg made a nasty snapping sound, dropping him to the floor in pain.

Dumbstruck, Kirishima watched in horror as the leg bent and snapped slowly reforming itself

"Please leave. Ei please, I don't want you to see this." Bakugo begged, tears streaming down his face.

Broken from his trance, Kirishima rushed to Bakugo's side, "No, I'm not leaving you to deal with this alone." he carefully adjusted to let the blond's head, resting it in his lap. Tenderly, he pet Bakugo, in a gesture he hoped was soothing.

"I'm sorry." Bakugo choked on a sob, clutching his hands to his chest while they cracked, slowly changing into paws.

"Shh it's okay." Kirishima whispered softly "I'm here for you."

The sobbing got louder while Bakugo thrashed around, clearly way past his pain tolerance. Snapping and cracking continued, contorting his body painfully. Slowly but surely soft patterned fur coated once smooth skin.

A tiny gasp escaped Kirishima's throat when Bakugo's face cracked and shifted.

Ear's changed shape and raised to perch on top of Bakugo's head as large canines dropped from bloody gums. When the crackling finally subsided, he was breathless, taking sharp inhales through his now reshaped nose, with a mouth full of blood.

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