Mob boss (DekuBaku) Quirkless Au pt 2

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They walked out to the car. The back door was held open by a stoic red and white haired man.

"Thanks Shoto" Midoriya ushered Bakugo into the car then got in himself.

"Where too, Mr. Midoriya?" Todoroki asked as he got in the driver seat

"Ramen Shop please" Midoriya wrapped his arm around Bakugo pulling him close

The rest of the ride was quiet, so quiet Bakugo almost fell asleep leaning on Midoriya's shoulder.

When they arrived, Todoroki got out and opened the door for them

"Do you want anything Sho?" Midoriya helped Bakugo out of the car, wrapping his arm around his waist, pulling him close.



"Yes thank you"

"You sure you don't want to come in with us?"

"I'm sure Mr. Midoriya."

Midoriya led Bakugo into the small restaurant, immediately greeted with a chorus of welcomes from the staff. As they sat down at a table, an older yellow haired man approached.

"Midoriya, my boy! How are you?" the frail looking man sat down with them

"I'm doing alright Mr. Yagi. How are you feeling? I heard you had some surgery done."

"Much better actually. Thank you for covering the bill, my boy."

"Come on now, you know don't have to thank me, you've helped me so much it's the least I could do."

A smaller young man came by the table to take their orders

"Oh and a soba to-go please." Midoriya smiled

"For Mr. Todoroki?" the waiter asked as he scribbled on his notepad

"Yeah" Midoriya chuckled

"You got it boss." The boy turned on his heel and walked into the kitchen, returning moments later with their drinks

Midoriya and Yagi talked till the food came and Yagi excused himself.

"So you two seem pretty close." Bakugo stared at his noodles, waiting for it to cool off enough to eat

"Yeah, after my dad died he showed me the ropes, its the main reason I got to be as successful as I am." Midoriya stirred his soup


"Everything okay Kacchan?"

"Yeah, I'm alright just tired and pretty sore."

"Hey, what do you say after this, we take a nice warm shower and take a nap?"

"That sounds fantastic." Bakugo smiled softly as took a bite of his noodles

They ate in relative silence, only really speaking when the waiter would come by and ask how things were and offer refills.

Midoriya paid for the food and picked up the soba, before leading Bakugo back out to the car. He tapped on the window of the car, they both chuckled as Todoroki rubbed his eyes and yawned, obviously having just woken from a nap.

"Mr. Midoriya, how was lunch?" Todoroki opened the car door for them

"Good! Here's your soba. Mr. Yagi asked about you."

"Oh? How did his surgery go? I didn't think he'd be out and about so soon."

"Neither did I, but he seems to be doing better."

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