Emotions are... complicated... (SeroBaku) pt 2

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"Thank you Hanta." Bakugo squeezed Sero's arm, nuzzling into it.

"Anything for you my love." Sero pressed a gentle kiss to Bakugo's neck

After the water started to get cold Sero scooped up Bakugo and stepped out of the tub. He wrapped up the blond in a towel before pulling the tub drain plug to empty it.

Bakugo buried his face into the towel trying not to stare at Sero's still dripping wet body.

"You alright?" Sero gently ran his hand through Bakugo's ash blond hair

"M fine" Bakugo muttered softly muffled by the towel as he looked up into Sero's jet black eyes

"Wanna watch a movie and have some tea?" Sero dried himself off

Slowly Bakugo nodded. He knew movies meant more of the cuddling he was yearning for.

Sero smiled softly and pressed his lips to Bakugo's forehead tenderly before scooping him up, not bothering to get them dressed, and carried him to the living room

Bakugo grabbed the blanket that lived atop the sofa as Sero went to heat up some tea. His eyes lingered on Sero's sculpted back and thin waist. He stared as the muscles in Sero's shoulders flexed and relaxed as he got the tea set up. He couldn't help the tent he started pitching under the blanket as his cheeks went pink.

Once the tea was done Sero returned to the living room with two steaming mugs. He flicked on the tv and opened up one of the streaming services scrolling through it a bit to see if Bakugo would pick anything out.

Fidgeting slightly Bakugo tried to focus on the screen but all he could think about was how badly his cock ached.

"What kind of movie do you want to watch?" Sero turned his attention to the squirmy pile of blankets next to him, chuckling softly at how wrapped up Bakugo had made himself, only his face showing.

"Don't care." Bakugo mumbled as his gaze dropped from the screen

"Alright." Sero did what he usually did when he didn't know what to watch but wanted to have something on. Movie Roulette. He scrolled through the list letting titles fly by until randomly stopping on one and hitting play. He leaned back draping his long arms across the back of the sofa. "Me're." he gestured with his head for Bakugo to scoot closer.

Bakugo scooted closer he was about to toss his legs over Sero's lap but paused as insecurity made him freeze up, despite having done this exact thing countless times before. It somehow felt different now. His heart raced and his mouth went dry.

The sudden stop drew Sero's attention away from the screen. He looked over at Bakugo seeing how flushed his face was. He chuckled softly before reaching over and effortlessly pulling Bakugo into his lap. He unwrapped Bakugo just enough to wrap his arms around him. He was surprised when Bakugo kept wiggling around. At first he though he was just getting comfortable but then he noticed how even and deliberate the movements were. Bakugo was grinding on him. He smiled as he pulled the blanket away from Bakugo's neck to plant loving little kisses against the soft skin.

A tiny stifled moan escaped Bakugo's throat as he moved his hips in little circles, enjoying the feeling of Sero growing beneath him.

Sero let out a low groan before ripping the blanket away from Bakugo and flipping him on to his back on the couch hovering over him with lust filled eyes.

Bakugo yelped slightly at the sudden movement as his eyes went wide. He couldn't stop the smile that pulled at the corner of his lips as he aggressively slammed them against Sero's. The kiss sloppy, desperate, and filled with lust.

Sero chuckled into the kiss before pulling away slightly "Needy are we?" He teased as he grabbed Bakugo's wrists, collecting them in one hand to pin them to the sofa as he let the other trail around Bakugo's body.

"Shut up." Bakugo huffed as his face went crimson

"Nope~ you like it when I tease you~" Sero whispered into Bakugo's ear

As much as Bakugo wanted to deny it, he couldn't. Despite how embarrassed it made him feel he loved the way Sero could make his stomach flutter. He loved the way his breath felt hot against his ear, making his whole body shiver.

"Want me to rub that adorable little clit of yours?" Sero's voice was smooth as silk. He ran his hand down Bakugo's side teasingly tracing his hip with the tips of his fingers

"Fuck~" Bakugo panted softly as his cock twitched, his hips involuntarily bucking up in search of friction.

"Tell me baby~ tell me what you want." Sero cooed sweetly as he nuzzled into Bakugo's neck

"R-b m- cl-" Bakugo muttered quietly turning his flushed face away

"I didn't catch that love, I know you can be a little louder for me." Sero whispered seductively against Bakugo's neck

"Fuck~ please, rub my clit." Bakugo pleaded as his face burned, he loved the way Sero feminized him. Sero was the only person he ever told about his kinks, he hadn't really meant to but after Sero used his laptop and found some interesting pages he'd forgotten to close, he came clean to his friend.

"Such a good girl~" Sero praised as he trailed his hand down to Bakugo's cock palming it. He chuckled as Bakugo bucked up against it, eagerly grinding his hips

Bakugo's heart fluttered at the praise as he rutted against Sero's hand.

"So perfect~" Sero whispered before trailing kisses down Bakugo's neck. "So beautiful~" He let go of the blonds hands in favor of gripping his thighs as he continued down his chest and stomach

"Pl~ease suuck my clit~" Bakugo begged breathlessly

Sero chuckled against the soft skin of Bakugo's pelvis before sliding one hand around the base to push away the untrimmed blond hair. He licked a broad strip up the bottom side of Bakugo's cock.

A shiver ran up Bakugo's spine as he let out a soft mewl.

Pleased with the reaction Sero sucked the tip into his mouth, immediately sucking on it fast and rough, not bothering to take his time. He held Bakugo's hips in place firmly as the blond tried to buck and squirm.

Bakugo gasped for air as his body trembled, the stimulation so intense it was almost to much. He couldn't help how quickly his orgasm creeped up on him. He dug his fingers into Sero's hair as he shuddered, his cock throbbing as he came in Sero's mouth

Pulling off with a satisfying pop Sero smirked "You taste so good~" he cooed sweetly as he presses soft kisses to Bakugo's thigh.

Breathless and sweaty, Bakugo brushed his hair out of his face. He looked down into Sero's half lidded eyes for a moment before grabbing him by the hair again and tugging him up to kiss him.

Sero moaned softly into the kiss as their tongues brushed against one another. This time the kiss was gentle, loving, and passionate. He held Bakugo close and tenderly caressed his hips.

As they pulled away Bakugo let out a content sigh. He nuzzled into Sero's neck as he hugged him tightly.

"Feel a little better?" Sero asked sweetly as he pressed soft little kisses against Bakugo's neck and shoulder

"Yeah~" Bakugo chuckled as he squeezed Sero tighter.

"Good." Sero kissed Bakugo's nose "God, I love you so fucking much Katsuki." he pressed his forehead to Bakugo's

"I love you too ya fucking sap." Bakugo snorted as he chuckled

Sero chuckled as he sat up. He pulled Bakugo up with him and gave him a quick kiss on the cheek before handing him his mug of tea with a big goofy grin on his face.

Smiling down at the mug Bakugo scooted close to lean into Sero's side. They cuddled and enjoyed their tea, having only missed the beginning of the movie. Thankfully it was one they'd already seen so they just continued watching.


If you liked it don't forget to vote and leave a comment <3 I hope you have a wonderful day stay safe lovelies

Love,~Lady Em~

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