Branded by Ink (KiriBaku) Punk Au pt 1

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(Thank you senti for betaing)

"You ready yet!?" Mina called up the stairs, fixing her head band that struggled to tame her unruly, curly, bubblegum pink hair.

"Yeah! Sorry, one sec." Kirishima rushed to pull his wild red hair up into a messy top knot, bolting down the stairs. He snagged his wallet and keys from the table by the door and sprinted out with Mina, only barely remembering to lock his door.

The drive to the tattoo shop Mina frequented for her New School style tattoos was surprisingly short, in no small part due to the midweek lack of traffic. Mina was insistent on dragging him in so he could lose his tattoo virginity. Despite having piercings, he'd always been hesitant about tattoos. Not that he didn't love them, he just didn't want a bunch of random uncoordinated pieces. No offense to Mina's patchwork quilt of art, he just wanted a cohesive full body piece.

At her insistence, he looked up the artists at the shop, finding that Ground Zero Ink was an up-and-coming shop filled to the brim with talent. The owner, Katsuki Bakugo, aka Dynamite, was known for his meticulous and extensive pieces often filled with fire and explosions. Co-owner of the shop, known for vivid color and lightning pieces was Chargebolt, Denki Kaminari, and lastly their newest hire, Mashirao Ojiro who'd impressed the other two artists with his vibrant, cartoonish new school designs.

Drawn to Dynamite's style, he couldn't help but look into the artist a bit further, finding his social media pages. Though his Twitter seemed to be almost exclusively promotions for the shop, his Instagram on the other hand was a veritable gold mine filled with tagged photos of the artist at work, taken mostly by Chargebolt and the shop's piercer Cellophane.

Mina dragged Kirishima into the shop. Excitedly, she shoved him to the front desk and pranced away for her appointment with Ojiro

"Do you have an appointment, Red?" The gruff ash blond glared with piercing ruby eyes.

"No umm, sorry." Kirishima rubbed the back of his neck. The artist was even more beautiful and intimidating in person. The way his spiked bridge jewelry drew even more attention to his already captivating eyes, glinting with every little shift, was damn near hypnotic. "But uhh, I was hoping to get a consult."

"What style are ya looking for?" Bakugo's eyes wandered, noticing several piercings including eyebrow, septum, lip ring, and a plethora up his ears from gages to orbital to helix, but despite the loose fitting, over-washed tank top, he didn't see any exposed tattoos and briefly wondered how much free real-estate the huge redhead had available.

"Yours actually, Mr. Bakugo." Kirishima had scrolled through the three artists' portfolios and decided that if he was going to get a full body piece no one would do a better job than the notoriously explosive bombshell blond.

"Katsuki or just Suki." Bakugo corrected, playing with his spider bite lip studs in an attempt to not smile. Something about this redhead was really doing it for him. Could have been the soft friendly eyes contrasting with thick muscles or maybe the sharp as hell set of chompers he'd gotten a glimpse of, he wasn't sure. "You're fucking lucky I have time today." He gestured for Kirishima to follow him to his little office.

As they made their way back to the office, Bakugo caught a glimpse of a pierced nipple, not that he was looking. The fucker was just so tall that he was face to face with it, or well face to nipple. God was this fucker like seven feet? And he wasn't that short, okay? He was 5'6", without his platforms, thank you very much. Damn giant, why was that sexy? Was this why Kaminari was so into the beanpole that is their piercer? He pushed the door to his tiny office open and was genuinely surprised Kirishima didn't have to duck.

With a soft, borderline timid smile, Kirishima walked into the office and took a seat. The room was small and simple, just a wooden desk with a swivel chair on one side and the chair he was currently sitting in on the other, with a couple of framed pieces of art on the walls.

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