How to train your Dragonborn (KiriBaku) Fantasy Au pt 2

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Once they set up camp a ways away from the town, Bakugo looked around for the biggest tree and quickly scaled it to get a better vantage point. The view was exceptional as he looked on to where they were going. Beauty, he was expecting, what threw him off was the needy whine below him. He climbed back down and was immediately engulfed in thick warm arms again

"Oi! What's with you?" Bakugo huffed, struggling to free himself, his palms crackling.

"I'm sorry master." Kirishima nuzzled into blond hair "I just got worried." he hadn't noticed Bakugo wander off and immediately panicked, following his scent to the tree where he thought he'd lost the trail.

"Master?" Bakugo stopped struggling but did give Kirishima a confused look

"Um... is that not... okay?" Kirishima's grip went lax, "I thought..."

"Oi oi! Don't go spiraling, I'm not upset, just confused. We are clearly not on the same page." Bakugo twisted himself around in Kirishima's arms. He poked Kirishima's chest "So spit it out. What did you think?"

"I..." Kirishima turned his head away pouting. "I just... thought you really wanted me."

"I don't even know your name..." Bakugo cupped Kirishima's face "and I still don't know what you mean."

"I thought you wanted us because you knew our powers would work well together. You don't know, do you?"

"No. Wanna enlighten me?"

"Umm sure." Kirishima set down Bakugo. He willed his hardening to ripple across his skin, jagged and rough "Hit me."

Bakugo skeptically tossed a weak punch and was glad he held back because he definitely would have broken his knuckles "Damn."

"'S fireproof too." Kirishima held his arm out for Bakugo to examine

Bakugo immediately set off sparks in his palms and was pleased by the complete lack of reaction to it.

"My name is Eijiro Kirishima. Though you can rename me if you wish." Kirishima knelt down at Bakugo's feet

"Eijiro huh? 'M Katsuki Bakugo." Bakugo mulled over the new information running his fingers through unruly red hair "So why did you call me master, Eijiro?"

"I owe you my life. If it weren't for you T and I would still be stuck in that cell."

"You could have gotten out on your own."

"Sure. But what for. We didn't have anywhere to go. Serving you is my purpose now."

Pinching the bridge of his nose, Bakugo sighed "This isn't what I was expecting but I'll accept being your master with some conditions."


"First, you will tell me every thought that runs through that pretty little head of yours. Second, you will train every day with me. Third, warn me before you just up and grab me. And lastly if I give you a command mid battle you need to trust me and do exactly as I say." Bakugo scratched lightly at Kirishima's scalp "Think you can do all that."

"Yes master. Thank you." Kirishima leaned into Bakugo's touch

"Come on let's get you fed." Bakugo led Kirishima back to the campfire

They ate food Sero had prepared. Kirishima sitting at Bakugo's feet as Tetsu sat at Kaminari's.

After sitting by the fire for a while, Bakugo decided it was time to lay down. He was always the first one to go lay down, mostly because he liked having some alone time to unwind and let his mind quiet before falling asleep. Tonight however, it seemed things were going to change permanently.

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