Obsessions that Bind (KiriBaku) pt 1

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(Private request)

Bakugo was heading to work at a little café, like he did most days he didn't have hero work. He couldn't put his finger on why but his stomach was uneasy like someone was watching him. He felt it most days he walked to work, he shoved his hands into his pockets, ignoring the feeling.

He made it to work at the little café, him being a popular pro hero had made the place a great deal of business and drew a crowd of regulars. There was only one boy he cared to see though.

He walked in the back and got ready for his shift. He sighed softly trying to shake the sickening feeling in his stomach as he walked to the counter to start making orders for people.

The long line had died down a bit when he finally caught a glimpse of the one person he enjoyed seeing. Spikes of red hair peaked around the two other people in line. A bright grin and red eyes peered over at him. He smiled softly at his red headed friend. He'd always wished they could be more but he never thought Kirishima would feel the same so he never acted on it. He did his best to keep his emotions to himself and often succeeded only letting fleeting glimpses of his real one's show.

For Kirishima this only made things worse. He wanted Bakugo no no, not want. Need. He needed Bakugo to be his. He knew his obsession wasn't the normal way people experienced love and he was afraid that if he came on too strong Bakugo would stop talking to him all together. He wasn't sure he could survive without the smiles Bakugo occasionally tossed his way. However nothing he tried seemed to make the ash blond aware of his feelings. Honestly, he wasn't sure how much more he could take.

Once Kirishima made it to the front of the line Bakugo already had his drink ready. He always ordered the same thing.

"On me." Bakugo blushed as Kirishima's fingers brushed his ever so slightly while grabbing the cup.

"Thanks man!" Kirishima smiled brightly 'is he blushing?' His bright smile twisted to a sly grin "You busy after work today?" Asking was merely a formality, he knew Bakugo's routine and was more than aware the ash blond would be going straight home after work.

"No, why?" Bakugo looked down at the counter, trying not to let his excitement shine through.

"I'll come by for you after work, we can chill and watch some movies or something." Kirishima just about died when he saw Bakugo smiling to himself and his blush go crimson

"Yeah okay." Bakugo turned around to go fangirl in the back. He was absolutely not going to do that in front of anyone.

Kirishima left the shop and went home to prepare. Mostly to clean up, he had a few things he'd rather Bakugo not see.

Bakugo leaned against a wall in the back, internally screaming. 'Wait I didn't tell him what time I get off... fuck' he went back out to see if Kirishima was still there, half expecting him to be sitting at one of the tables patiently waiting for the rest of the information. 'Guess he had shit to do.' He continued his shift

Once Bakugo's shift was almost over his stomach started to do backflips again. He tried to push it aside, assuming he was just nervous to be going to Kirishima's soon. He clocked out and made his way out the back door. He leaned against the wall expecting to have to wait for Kirishima for a few minutes but was slightly startled when a car revved up, a hand sticking out beckoning him over.

Bakugo walked over to the car seeing a familiar smile with red spiky hair. He got into the car as his stomach dropped. He ignored the feeling after all, he was safe with Kirishima. He knew his friend would do anything to protect him and he took comfort in that.

"How was work?" Kirishima smiled brightly as he started driving toward his house

"Alright." Bakugo sighed softly, "Pretty boring after you left." The last part was mostly to himself but Kirishima took it as a good sign

Kirishima smiled softly to himself. Maybe, just maybe if he played his cards right, Bakugo would stay of his own accord. He looked over at the boy in the passenger seat as they came to a stop light. He noticed how uneasy and nervous he was despite his obvious efforts to hide it.

"You okay Bakubro?" Kirishima decided to test the waters a little bit and placed his hand on Bakugo's thigh rubbing it gently

"Yeah, I'm fine." Bakugo swallowed hard as he tried to shake the feeling. He felt like prey. He placed his clammy hand over Kirishima's warm one, taking comfort in the little show of affection. He relaxed slightly as he gripped Kirishima's hand, even more when the redhead flipped his hand over to interlace their fingers.

When they made it to Kirishima's house, Bakugo reluctantly let go of the redhead's hand immediately feeling panic start to set in. He tried to keep his cool as his knees threatened to give out.

Kirishima unlocked the door and lead Bakugo inside plopping on the sofa gesturing for the ash blond to join him.

Bakugo sat down close to Kirishima. He felt like his heart was going to explode out of his chest from racing. He took a deep breath, finding comfort in the way Kirishima's house smelled.

Kirishima slowly wrapped his arm around Bakugo's shoulder, giving the ash blond plenty of time to push him away if he wanted. He smiled softly when Bakugo leaned into his side, placing his hand on his chest. It felt like a dream to have the boy he'd been obsessing over finally in his arms. He'd do anything to keep Bakugo by his side.

Bakugo relaxed into Kirishima's side. He felt safe, he never wanted the feeling to go away. He knew he'd probably have to go at some point but he didn't want to think about it. He felt himself melt into Kirishima. Into the one person he could trust, the one person who would do anything to keep him safe.

Unable to restrain himself, Kirishima placed a soft gentle kiss on top of Bakugo's head. Taking in the warm coffee and caramel scent, a wave of goosebumps prickled his skin.

Bakugo chuckled softly as he ran his fingers along Kirishima's arm 'Enjoying that?' He smirked as he tilted his face up, catching Kirishima's lips in a short soft kiss.

Kirishima cupped Bakugo's face bringing their lips together again, this time letting it linger.

When they finally parted Bakugo let out a soft content sigh as he rested his head on Kirishima's chest

"Katsuki," Kirishima whispered softly

Bakugo taken by the use of his first name glanced up at Kirishima

"Be mine." Kirishima pressed their lips together again this time licking Bakugo's lips begging for access

Bakugo smirked into the kiss before letting Kirishima explore his mouth as he pleased

Kirishima pushed Bakugo back onto the sofa pinning him down, "Say it." He growled softly as he hovered over him.

Bakugo leaned in to Kirishima's ear, "I'm yours." he whispered sweetly as his stomach fluttered, the nervous feeling replaced by excitement. "Forever~" he nipped Kirishima's ear playfully unaware of just what he was doing to Kirishima.


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