Power Bottom (TetsuMono) Quirkless Au

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When Tetsutetsu got home from working at the dog kennel, he hopped straight into the shower. He was always gross after his shifts. He loved dogs, so getting to play with them for a job was a dream come true, however it always got him muddy, sweaty, and absolutely covered in fur. Silver hair still damp with just a pair of loose shorts on he went to rummage through the kitchen for something to snack on.

"Hey bro." Tetsu smiled at his redheaded roommate who was searing some meat on the stove and taking a swig of the beer.

"Mmm!" Kirishima hummed in excitement as he swallowed the liquid in his mouth "Hey man! Want some?" he gestured to the meat he was cooking

"Sure! Smells great." Tetsu smiled brightly

"By the way bro, I invited one of my coworkers and his roommate to come by later." Kirishima flipped a couple of the pieces of meat

"Sounds like fun." Tetsu grabbed himself a drink from the fridge before sitting down at the table

"Well if everything goes as planned it should be." Kirishima smirked over his shoulder

"As planned? Oh god what did you do?" Tetsu chuckled rolling his eyes

"You know that golden blond I've been flirting with at work?" Kirishima's grin twisted almost manically

"Yeah?" Tetsu raised his eyebrow, slightly worried.

"So he's got a roommate and I invited them both over. Sooo~ with any luck we'll both be getting laid tonight~" Kirishima chuckled while he plated the meat

"You sly dog!" Tetsu couldn't help but laugh

"Gotta help my bro out, you know? Wouldn't be manly if I didn't at least try." Kirishima smirked before shoving a strip of meat into his mouth

Little did our shark toothed boys know, a very similar conversation was happening across town.

"Neito! Get down here!" Kaminari called up the stairs while he kicked off his work boots by the door.

"I'M WORKING YOU LAZY SLUT! JUST COME UP HERE!" Monoma shouted from his desk where he was currently working on a sketch

Kaminari rolled his eyes and made his way up the stairs

"What do you want, tramp?" Monoma smiled at Kaminari taking his eyes off his work for a moment

"Weeeelllll~ you know that hunk of a redhead I work with?" Kaminari plopped on Monoma's bed

"Mhm~ spill that tea~" Monoma spun around in his chair to face Kaminari, he was pretty invested in his friends little love story

"Turns out he has a roommate~" Kaminari wiggled his eyebrows "and he invited us over." he smiled slyly

"Ohh~ a roommate you say?" Monoma ran his fingers through his light blond hair.

"Yeah! He didn't say directly that it was a double date, but that's what it felt like he was doing. He kept asking about what you liked and kept saying how his and I quote 'bro' would be perfect for you." Kaminari giggled

"How long till we need to leave? Because it kinda sounds like we should both prep." Monoma chuckled as he swiveled around in his chair putting his art supplies away.

"Like two hours or so." Kaminari checked his phone

"Alright, well I'll shower first since you take forever princess and this Queen doesn't want to be rushed." Monoma got up to head to the shower

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