Good Morning (MezoYami)

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Tokoyami rolled over bumping into Shoji slightly, "Sorry, my love." he said softly.

Shoji, still asleep, pulled him in close, nuzzling against his feathers. "I love you too, my prince." he whispered sweetly.

Blushing, Tokoyami chuckled and gently caressed Shoji's face as he drifted away. They slept for a few more minutes, the coffee pot clicking on and filling the small flat with an enticing aroma as they enjoyed each other's embrace until the alarm clock inevitably went off.

Shoji lazily reached out a tentacle to turn it off as Tokoyami's grip tightened. "Lets grab my little bird some coffee." he whispered tenderly as he scooped up and carried Tokoyami the few feet to their small kitchen.

Shoji set him down gingerly but, refusing to let go, Tokoyami kept his arms wrapped around his waist. He chuckled as he grabbed some mugs and poured them some coffee. "My love," he yawned, "what would you like for breakfast?"

Tokoyami nuzzled into his chest and groaned.

"Eggs it is." Shoji chuckled. Grabbing one of the mugs of coffee, he picked up his little bird, and carried him over to their small dining area. It was just a small table and some floor pillows they had positioned by the one window in the apartment.

He set Tokoyami down on one of the pillows and held out the cup of hot, freshly made, coffee. Reluctantly, Tokoyami let go and took the mug, sipping slowly to not burn himself.

Shoji began to cook and in a matter of moments the whole apartment filled with a wonderful sent.

Tokoyami closed his eyes, enjoying the moment. The smell of cooking eggs, the taste of fresh coffee, the warmth of the morning sunlight on his face, the way the floor boards in their small apartment creaked as Shoji cooked. He took another sip of coffee and smiled.

Shoji brought over the eggs and gently kissed the top of Tokoyami's head before he sat down. Tokoyami opened his eyes, the eggs looked as amazing as they smelled, his stomach growled, begging him to devour the food.

As they ate, they joked and laughed.

After eating, Tokoyami grabbed the dishes and went to clean the kitchen, kissing Shoji on the cheek as he walked past.

Shoji laid back on the floor, giving himself a good view into the kitchen. Tokoyami washed the hand full of dishes they used for breakfast as he lovingly watched his little bird.

When Tokoyami finished, the kitchen looked immaculate. He walked over to Shoji and laid on him.

Shoji wrapped his arms around him tightly, half expecting him to fall asleep again, but his little bird had other plans. Gently, Tokoyami started to grind on him, making his heart race and his face flush red. They had been dating for a while however, he was still just as flustered as the first time they kissed.

Tokoyami chuckled, raising up Shoji's shirt, he ran his hands along his stomach, tracing along his abs.

As his little bird rubbed against the bulge forming in his pants, desire burned in his chest. Flustered and hot, Shoji pulled off his shirt and mask. He put a finger under Tokoyami's chin, pulled his face close to his and kissed his little bird passionately. Turning a few of his tentacles into mouths he started to kiss and bite at Tokoyami's exposed skin.

Blushing, Tokoyami tried to stifle his moans. Desperate to hear his little bird, Shoji nibbled at one of the sweet spots on his hip, making him let out the moan he'd been suppressing.

Tokoyami sat up and slowly pulled off his shirt, letting Shoji admire the view of his slender frame. Shoji's tentacles kissed and nibbled their way around, leaving a trail of hickies and no spot unloved.

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