How I met my Demon (BakuKiri) Quirkless Au pt 1

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Monster fucker week #BNHAmonsterweek

Wednesday the 27th/2021 - Sacrifice

Making fast friends can be fun but what happens when those people are less than savory? Unbeknownst to Kirishima his new friends were not what they seemed and despite his trepidations he followed them to the edge of the nearby forest.

"Come on Kiri, it'll be fun!" A short stocky white boy with buzzed hair slapped Kirishima's shoulder

"I don't know guys, it seems like a bad idea." An uneasy feeling had settled in Kirishima's stomach as he stared out into the dark forest

"Awe not man enough for a little hike at night?" A taller skinny boy with a bowl cut teased, for their plan to work they needed to get Kirishima to where they'd set up their ritual. The only missing ingredient was a soul.

"I just don't think it's a good idea." Kirishima sighed, rubbing the back of his neck, why couldn't they just go to the bar like they'd planned.

"It'll be fine! Come on, unless you're too chicken" the taller boy shoved Kirishima playfully

"Don't be a killjoy!" the stocky one grabbed Kirishima in a headlock

"Fine, fine." The uneasy feeling in Kirishima's stomach twisted, making him nauseous.

The three boys made their way out into the old dark forest. The two older boys led the way as Kirishima considered the pros and cons of turning around and bolting back to the perceived safety of the increasingly distant street lights. Before he could decide to turn back, an abandoned shed came into view and he was ushered inside.

"What's all this stuff?" Kirishima looked around confused by the occult symbols and dead chickens. Before he knew it the larger of the other two boys slammed him into the dirty floor pulling his arms behind his back.

"You're about to find out." The boy on top of him sneered into his ear

"This isn't funny guys. Let me up." Kirishima struggled, fear pooling in his gut, desperately holding on to the faint hope that this was just a sick prank.

"You're right it's not funny, it's hilarious. I can't believe how easy it was to get you out here fucking f*ggot." The thinner boy teased, pressing a knife to Kirishima's cheek, pressing it in threateningly.

Kirishima swallowed hard. He was about to die wasn't he? All because he'd been too trusting of his so-called friends. He bit his lip accidently while he struggled for his life. He had seconds at most, and if he was going to die, he was going down struggling. The larger boy atop him gripped his hair and slammed his head into the floor, smearing the blood from his lip on the edge of the symbol painted there.

Seemingly out of nowhere a loud voice boomed all around them, "Naive humans."

The boys all went rigid with bated breath as hooves clopped toward them ominously

The grip on Kirishima's hair loosened, allowing him to look up at the source of the noise. Slowly his eyes worked their way from pitch black hooves up thick fur clad goat legs, up smooth skin covered in blood red and black markings, to the two large curly onyx horns that jutted out of spiky ashen hair. 'Holy shit.' At close to 7 feet, not including the horns, and absolutely jacked, the demon was imposing as it loomed over them.

"It's unwise to summon things you don't understand." A snarl exposed sharp canines "Now what the fuck did you hope to accomplish by murdering someone to summon me?"

"Wealth and fame!" The boy pinning Kirishima down shouted with a false bravado, trembling with terror and the urge to flee.

"Tch. Guess you dumbasses didn't do enough reading. That's not how this fucking works." The demon grabbed the boy by the neck, pulling him off of Kirishima with ease. "I will be generous and let you pick your fate. Suffer the fate of your greed and be haunted by the damned until they drag you to hell or run away and live out the rest of your miserable shitty lives like the fucking cowards you are." He tossed the boy at his friend, both scrabbling to run away in their own directions, too preoccupied with their own safety to consider if the other was also up and running.

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