Merry Christmas (KamiOjiro)

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'Twas the day before Christmas and all through the dorms pure chaos ensued, not a soul was spared, not even Mashirao.

The morning started innocently enough, Ojiro left his room for some breakfast, hoping perhaps to spend a little time with his electric boyfriend. When he got downstairs however, Kaminari was making his way out the door with Mina and Sero in tow. Not one to really be jealous, it was odd for him to feel his chest tighten and for his mouth to go sour. He was probably just hungry.

After getting together something to eat, he made his way to the common room. There weren't many spots open, but Shoji scooted closer to Tokoyami and tapped the seat beckoning him over.

"Mezo." Ojiro nodded his head in greeting, offering a soft smile

"Mashirao." Shoji nodded back. "How's your morning going?"

"Good. I was hoping to spend some time with Denki today, but it seems he's busy with his friends." Picking at his food, Ojiro did his best to hide his disappointment.

"Ah yes, I heard Sero say something about needing a last-minute gift." Tokoyami mused, "Something about not knowing what to get someone who can buy whatever they want with their father's money."

"Yeah." Ojiro sighed softly. He knew he shouldn't be upset but he kind of was. Not in an angry sort of way, just in an almost disappointed sort of way. He kinda wished Kaminari had asked him to go with them. The bubbly blond had no qualms about waking him up and dragging him out with his friends normally. So, why not this time? He tried to toss it up to impulsiveness. Kaminari was the textbook definition of impulsive. Not that he wasn't thoughtful, because if anyone could pick out the perfect gift for someone it was Kaminari.

"Well, Fumi and I were going to get started on decorating if you want to help." Shoji offered, placing a warm hand on Ojiro's shoulder, giving it a reassuring squeeze.

"Sure." Ojiro did his best to smile despite the strange feeling in his chest.

Later, Ojiro would regret his decision to help. How he ended up tangled up in lights he wasn't sure. Bakugo was chasing someone around and he ended up falling off the ladder and when he opened his eyes again, he was dangling precariously by the string of lights. Iida was quick to try and help him down, however the tornado that was their angry Pomeranian of a classmate came barreling through again, distracting the class rep.

Once he was finally untangled and set down, Ojiro was understandably done with the whole thing, wanting nothing more than to head back to his room to relax. He briefly stopped in the kitchen to grab a drink when cool familiar fingers laced themselves into the fluff at the end of his tail. He turned and was met by the sparkling golden eyes he's loved for the last three years. Suddenly thin fingers intertwined with his own, pulling him toward the elevator. He almost tripped in his excitement to follow his boyfriend somewhere private.

It wasn't until the elevator door closed that Kaminari finally spoke, "I have a surprise for you." he squeezed Ojiro's hand excitedly and just like that all of the negative feelings that had been swirling around in his chest vanished, replaced by a warm giddiness.

When they got to Kaminari's dorm they paused at the door.

"Close your eyes." Kaminari smiled brightly

With a fond exhale Ojiro did as he was asked and let Kaminari lead him into the room.

"Okay you can open them now." Kaminari giggled

The room was dim, a thin material hung from the ceiling creating a makeshift tent over the bed, illuminated by strings of fairy lights. Hanging from the center was a fake piece of mistletoe. Ojiro had been in the room just the day before so clearly Kaminari had prepped all of this today. Needless to say he was taken aback. Tears welled in his eyes, partly from the romance of it all, he was a sap okay leave him alone, but mostly because he felt guilty over his earlier feelings.

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