Demon Lockbox (ShinKami) Quirkless Au

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Monster fucker week #BNHAmonsterweek

Tuesday the 26th/2021 - Blood

Bored, bored is what Shinsou was, bored out of his goddamn mind. He rolled out of his bed determined to find something to do even if it meant doing the one thing he hated, going out. After contemplating the few things in his apartment, he begrudgingly put on some pants and a shirt and decided to walk down the street to the little outdoor flea market.

He wandered through the winding path of stalls until one covered in occult decor caught his eye. A small stand manned by a bright eyed curly mop of green hair that appeared to be talking to himself. He stepped a little closer to the table and he swore he could hear a gruff voice responding but it was so faint it might have come from a different stand. Suddenly green eyes snapped up to look at him, startling him a bit.

"See anything you like?" Midoriya smiled brightly

"Not yet..." Shinsou smiled politely as he looked around the table

"Let me know if you have any questions!" Midoriya beamed brightly, his hair ruffled by a breeze Shinsou didn't feel.

Two things caught his eye the first was a small lock box not unlike an old jewelry box. It was covered in a design of thunderstorms, the dark lid carved with clouds with silver lightning bolts running down the sides of the box on a background of what seemed to be mother of pearl. The second was the leather bound book the box sat atop of. The cover plain save for a few yellow stones adorning the points of the indented pentagram and the strikingly beautiful key tied to it, one that matched the box, a cloud carved into the dark bow of it and a jagad lightning bolt carved into its stem. As hard as he tried to look away, the box kept calling to him, demanding his attention.

"What can you tell me about this box?" Shinsou gestured with a nod to the captivating little box

"Legend wise or materially?" Midoriya's eyes glinted with something akin to mischief or a knowledge of something far beyond Shinsou's understanding

"Both I guess." Shinsou tried to pry his eyes away from the box but every time he tried, he found his chest ached with a longing he'd never experienced before.

"It's a pretty sturdy little box, probably close to a century old if the engraving on the bottom is to be believed." Midoriya leaned forward with an almost sinister smirk "Legend has it, there's a demon trapped inside, waiting."

"Waiting for what?" Shinsou's eyes stayed locked on the box hardly able to remember to breath

"For its lover's soul to be reincarnated." Midoriya leaned back "but that's just an old tale, it's 50 bucks if you'd like it, it comes with the book and its key."

"Yeah, okay." Shinsou pulled the money out of his wallet without looking away from the box.

When he went to grab the box and book from Midoriya's outstretched hand, his vision suddenly darkened and a huge ash blond demon with piercing red eyes came into focus behind Midoriya for but half a second, punching the air out of his lungs.

"Have a nice day!" Midoriya waved him off cheerily

"Thanks. You too." Shinsou whispered, still shaking slightly.

As he made his way home, he couldn't help but clutch the box to his chest. He hurriedly unlocked his door and rushed inside, kicking the door shut behind him as he practically ran to his room.

He kept the box close to his chest as he began to thumb through the book. One page stopped him dead in his tracks, a sketch taking up the whole page and suddenly a wave of recognition washed over him. Every night since he'd turned twenty he'd dreamt of the same boy. He'd never tried to remember them because they were just dreams... right? But now looking at the sketch they came flooding into his mind all at once.

"Lightning demon Kaminari Denki..." Shinsou stared at the words on the page "Holy shit, you're actually real? Are you really in there?" He whispered to himself as he ran his thumb across the seam of the box.

With a fervor he read the rest of the book, 'How do I let you out? Do I just need to unlock it?' he finally landed on the page he was looking for

'A drop of a beloved's blood smeared on the pin of the key'

"Well seems easy enough." he pulled out his pocket knife and pricked his finger letting a little bubble of blood form before he smeared it on the pin of the key. "I'm actually fucking crazy arn't I?" he chuckled to himself as he slid the key into the box

"Here goes nothing." He twisted the key and a soft click resonated through it. He gingerly opened the box revealing a dark purple little cloud shaped puff. He stared at it for a few moments before pulling the little puff out of the box and cradling it in his hand

It twitched and wobbled in his hand before tiny little hands reached out making little grabby motions at him. He offered the little hands his pinky and chuckled softly when they grabbed at it, tiny arms wrapping around his finger and pulling it into the little puff. 'Holy fuck thats cute' he could feel a tiny little body cuddle his finger 'So tiny!'

Slowly he pulled his finger from the puff bringing the tiny demon with it. Striking golden hair with a little dark zigzag in it, covered the part of the little creature's face that wasn't buried into the side of his finger. It whined at the cold air on its bare skin gripping his finger tighter.

"How long have you been in there?" Shinsou ever so gently ran the index finger of his free hand down Kaminari's back

"Mmmm" Kaminari snuggled his pinky tighter, too tired to answer

"Are you hungry my teeny little demon?" Shinsou couldn't help the flutter in his chest when a bright golden eye slowly opened seemingly interested in the offer of food

Shinsou headed to the kitchen with Kaminari and the puff, setting them both down on the table. Kaminari wrapped himself up in the puff with only his head poking out to watch Shinsou grab some leftovers from the fridge.

After reheating the food Shinsou sat down at the table with the plate of food and a tiny tea cup saucer. He put a small portion of the warm food on the little plate smiling as he watched golden hair disappear into the puff only for it to roll closer to the plate.

Still groggy from decades of sleep, Kaminari yawned and stretched as he excited the warm purple puff. Carefully he made his way onto the plate and grabbed a handful of food humming contently at the flavor. After a few bites he realized how parched he was and made his way over to Shinsou's drink.

Watching curiously, Shinsou couldn't help but chuckle at how Kaminari hoisted himself up over to the rim of the cup just to shove his whole face into his drink. He grabbed a napkin and offered it to Kaminari when he finally came up for air.

Drying himself off Kaminari smiled brightly at Shinsou. In every life his love was always so sweet and caring. Small details may change with each incarnation, but his irises were always deep purple, beautiful amethysts set in perpetually sleep deprived eyes. Wanting a kiss, he motioned for Shinsou to come a bit closer.

Leaning in Shinsou thought Kaminari was trying to tell him something and was caught off guard when tiny hands pushed his lower lip into a pout. He could feel a series of soft little kisses being placed along the seam of his lip.


If you liked it don't forget to vote and leave a comment <3 I hope you have a wonderful day stay safe lovelies

Love,~Lady Em~

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