Chapter 99~ Three Months

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Day 50,

I've been rogue for fifty days, and slowly I'm starting to feel the strain. I haven't been in contact with Karliah either, I miss her constant nagging. I meet with Shikamaru at the end of every month so our second meeting is less than a week away. I've been gaining their trust as of recently and they still don't seem to suspect anything. 

I've been doing a lot of thinking recently about Rin. Part of me feels that he has been leaking information about me. If he is then I have way more to be cautious about. I've also been curious as to how the village has taken to my absence, more so Team 7. I do hope they forgive me when the time comes, but that is wishful thinking for all I've done. I do-

"Let's get going, you always have your head in a damn book." Deidara rolled his eyes, his blonde hair is bright against the morning sunrise. Looking to my left was Sasori who seemed to be just content starring out. "At least I'm not constantly raving about art." 

"Hey! My art is explosive in every way possible, don't be comparing it to something irrelevant." He continued as I closed up the book, securing it underneath my needles. "Enough you two, let's continue on, the assignment is simple."  

"Right, get what Pain needs, get in and get out." I nodded, closing the front of my robe over my chest. readying Midnight for any kind of confrontation that we would be facing. My eyes looked towards the morning sun, and the soft clouds rolling in. 

Day 60,

I met with Shikamaru again today, I have a few off days after my last observation task. I was informed that Naruto had left the village to train with Jiraiya, and Sakura had taken up learning medical ninjutsu with Tsunade. Karliah has also taken up residence with the pink-haired ninja. But what scares me the most is that Rin, Akira, Arrow, and Kyler have gone missing. According to Shikamaru a little over a month after I left they did as well, without a trace as well. This basically confirms my suspicions, and honestly, I don't know what to feel about that. Part of me is unsurprised that he betrayed me, I was expecting it.  But another part of me feels surprisingly enraged that he could waltz back into my life, tell me what I wanted, and leave. 

To be honest I don't really know why I am writing my thoughts down. My thought process was that I would be able to stay humane whilst keeping an empty exterior if I had a place to put all the things that go through my mind. To an extent, I would say it's working.  I am awaiting another full moon to happen soon, may the stars guide me through that. 

Day 84,

Almost three months, I have my third meeting with Shikamaru in a few days. The Akatsuki have started moving at an alarming rate. They have close sights on Han, the only thing that is keeping them from securing her is they need more time for preparation of the extraction, and for us to perfect the Jutsu. The Jutsu itself is simple, at the core it's just a seal removal alongside extraction and replacement. The location the extraction will be held at varies and everyone doesn't need to be at the same place in order for it to be done. I will address my concerns to Shikamaru however I don't think anything can be done if I don't want my cover blown.

I have already decided that I will be pushing myself to prolong what is coming. Stalling in any way possible. I have avoided any combat or inner conflict between the Akatsuki. Slowly I feel as if I have gained almost all of their trust in my intentions, and I need to keep it that way if I want my success rates to stay moderately high. 

Thus far I don't know how to stall but I will find some kind of way. I have a few ideas, but those are currently less than ideal to stay on everyone's good side. I will keep calculating but if I had to guess it will be about a year's time when they start taking out the tailed beasts. 

"Come on, you're late," I muttered to myself looking at the sky past the leaves. Each passing minute the threat of the moon raises. Tapping my foot against the ground at a progressive rate, my nerves showing themselves as I fiddled with a needle. 

My eyes glanced around the area, shadows beginning to fade into the oncoming darkness as I started to see the beginning of the full moon. A slight breeze made the leaves move, creating a tension that was frustrating me further. A slight shake and new chakra put me on edge, so much so that I dropped the needle.

"Sorry it took so long, Asuma-Sensei has been pressing me recently." The familiar spiky-haired boy came, his feet seemingly dragging as his hands rested in his pockets. I started feeling the slight burning sensation welling in the back of my eyes. Looking to the sky, and low and behold the moon was rising. 

"Are you okay, you're eyes?" Quirking my brow I reached my hand to my face, feeling a warm liquid present. Smudging it across my fingers to see the crimson blood staining my hand. More pain began to well as I held my eyes closed, feeling warm beads roll down my cheeks. "Shit, alright come close to me." 

I assumed he had gotten in my vicinity as I began to gather chakra and perform hand seals. Releasing the Jutsu as a dome of rock covered over us, me being the center point. Slowly I opened my eyes to be met with darkness. 

"Is that normal?" He asked, he was in front of me, slightly to the right. "Yeah, its whatever, but we'll have to stay in here until daybreak or else my eyes will act up again." 

"They are still emitting a dim light of some sort." He uttered walking closer to me, as I see his hands coming to my face. I felt a piece of fabric on my face as he wiped my cheeks. "Not bleeding anymore it seems though."

"Mmhmm, anyway let's get down to business I have a lot to cover so pay attention." 

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