Chapter 100~ Growth

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I held the Midnight close to my neck, letting out a low breath. Closing my eyes as my hand tightened around the blade as the other held half of my hip-length hair. I peered over into the lake, opening my eyes as I slashed the blade at an angle. Locks of my hair dropped to the ground, brown strands flooding the grass. 

Without a second thought, I did the other side. Pale moonlight cast overhead as I looked at myself. My eyes still the golden color they always were, but they seemed empty. My hair now fell just above my shoulders, the short hair framing my face.

365 days, 

Today marks the one-year mark of my deflection. Still yet to see those I've called comrades. My end still seems like it's not even in sight. I had the thought of returning home recently, just the mention plagues my mind with an indescribable feeling. I have a home to go to, but it's just out of reach. Something I know is there but I can't have as I pose as a villain. 

I know what it's like to have absolutely nothing, it's lonely and empty. But in my current predicament, I think it might be better. I cut off my hair, years of growth all for it to be chopped in a single go. Kind of ironic isn't it. I go from having nothing to everything a person could ever hope for, yet here I am again. Alone. Not only alone, but Shikamaru had informed me that the village is aware I joined the Akatsuki. So not only am I alone but I am also hated by the one place I called home. 

My best friend is alone as well. Karliah and I have never been separated, yet here we are. I feel as if I am losing any hope, the only thing that is keeping me going is the sheer thought of helping people. It was a selfless reason, but selfish at the same time. Honestly, I am rambling once again, as per usual when I write. This journal has become a way of venting, I don't even know if I will give it to Tsunade at this point. 

Sighing I shut and placed the book on in its rightful place. Looking around the small room I sighed once more. 

"It's unusual for the base to be this quiet." I hummed opening the door to be met with silence. The thick stone and mud walls seemed so large when they weren't overcrowded by the large group. I suddenly felt a presence behind me, turning quickly I had four sebon laced between my fingers and ready to throw. I was met with red eyes starring into mine. 

"That look suits you." Itachi spoke, his words coming off as non-hostile. Relaxing slightly, at the sight of the Uchiha. "Where is everyone?" 

"I know your intentions." My eyes widened as I jumped back. What had I done wrong? "Well, I have known your intentions, when you first appeared in front of Kisame and I." 

"I'm afraid I can't let you rat me out, that would jeopardize my mission. Assuming you haven't informed anyone else." I saw a small grin break out onto his face. My hands tensed around the needles in my hand, debating how I should approach this battle. The atmosphere seemed tense as he seemed completely content. "Relax, I don't plan of doing anything of the sorts. I actually was in a similar position to you, except I assume you have plans of returning to the village after your objective is completed." 

"What do you mean?" I asked unsure of what he was getting about. The information I have about him was that he slaughtered his family and entire clan, minus Sasuke. He left the village shortly after and became a criminal who later aligned himself with the Akatsuki. "How is Sasuke?" 

"He deflected not too long before me. He's on a power craze, my calculations say that he is hell-bent on getting stronger to kill you." I worded it carefully, trying to see if I could get a reaction out of the stone-cold man in front of me. "I answered your question, now answer mine. What did you mean?" 

"Seems revenge is the path he is taking. But you are the last person I'd expect to infiltrate an enemy organization for the sake of others. Considering your background and all." He let more words fall from his mouth, still, none of them were what I wanted. "Don't act like you know everything about me."

"Likewise, you and I are more alike than it seems." Slowly I slipped the needles back underneath my robes, no hostile intent coming from the black-haired individual. "Stop speaking like that and get to the point." 

"You're words have fallen ill pattered, weren't you raised to be poised and eloquent?" He paused for a moment before continuing. "That doesn't matter, but I assume you have more to your story as I do mine." 

"I want to atone for what I have done," 

"Don't lie to me, or at the very least don't overlay your intentions. You created bonds with those at the leaf, have you not? It's simple to say that you care for the people there, and don't want them to see hardship." Watching him carefully as he spoke, he seemed to be able to read me without much trouble. "You know the Uchiha clan was hiding a lot more than you are. Some unhappy Uchiha and aggravated leaf higher ups don't mix very well."

"The Uchiha were planning a coup?" I caught on quickly, to what he was saying. But what he was saying didn't make very much sense in a historical sense. "You're faster than I thought, no wonder you were chosen. Seems the Hokage's think alike." 

I was silent some of his words falling upon me, but never registering as I thought about what he was saying. 

"You were assigned to kill your clan?" 

"More or less, that is what I did. However, the killing was my own choice as I couldn't make them see reason. I cared for the village and my brother too much to see it being destroyed from the inside out." He took a breath. "So I did what I had to do. Your clan was massacred as well, am I right?" 

"Yeah, it was Orochimaru who attacked us." 


"Still unknown, I could never find any documentation of the attack in any hideout I was ever in. For some time I thought it was just out of amusement and some kind of twisted spite. But I am still unsure." My thoughts were said aloud as they came to mind. He quirked a brow ever so slightly. "Or maybe he heard of the promising child heir, whose swordsmanship was said to rival some of the seven mist." 

"Are you implicating that I was the reason?" 

"Is it that impossible? You've probably experienced firsthand just how far he is willing to go to get what he wants." Shaking my head of the ill thoughts that were filling my head I directed my energy back towards him. "So you're not going to blow my cover?" 

"You seemed to be changing, I met you when you were little. You weren't as outspoken or showed as much expression as you were when we encountered each other in the leaf. I feel where you are coming from, and I wanted to tell you that the growth you had made since being Orochimaru's lapdog is dwindling. I don't want you to return to the leaf the same way you had arrived." His words seemed to go right through me. Hitting the nail on the head with how I had been feeling as of late. "Why?" 

"Sometimes the strongest and toughest people hurt the most, yet no one sees it. I didn't want you to regress simply, I have a feeling you will lead to being a crucial part in the Akatsuki's downfall and a valuable leaf shinobi." I shook my head, "That still doesn't explain why you are being so nice?" 

"Simply said I know what you are going through. It sucks, but talking to people isn't going to hurt you Kritanta. Don't be afraid to open up to those around you. Plus I know you will be an unimaginable position when you decide to return." He shut his eyes, the red ones fading as he opened them. He shook his head and walked past me, with out another word I was left standing there and confused.

"Also another thing, don't tell Sasuke about the clan. He would be hell bent on destroying the leaf if he found out what I had done." 


100 chapters!? That is insane, I'd like to say a huge thank you to everyone who has read up to this point. Let me say I have some fun things planned after the Infiltration Arc, all I gotta say is grab some tissues and be ready for the angst ;).

Also, I hoped you enjoy this longer chapter as a little special for it being the 100th one. Also some Itachi!! It might seem a little out of character, but I feel like he would have some input to try and help our girl Kritanta. Woop Woop!

Anyway as always I will,

See Y'all Later Bye!!!!

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