Chapter 58~ Sleepover?

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I stared at the plain ceiling. Looking for something other than my own thoughts. I looked around the room, it was empty, besides Karliah who paid at the door of my hospital bed. Two days.

Two days had passed since the attack on the leaf village. Since my little outburst on the roof, I've barely had time to myself. Kakashi or Haruno has been watching over me, her being the only other person besides the wolves to know of my breakdown. Even Rin doesn't know.

I looked out the window and into the sky, it was clear out. Not a trace of a cloud in the sky. I sighed as I heard the clock ticking. But not much time passes before the door is pulled open. In walks Kakashi, Haruno, and a doctor who I was in aware of his name.

"Astara, you are all good to head home, but I believe that these two wanted a word with you." The doctor spoke softly, looking over a clipboard he held in his grasp. I nodded slowly and let my hands fall upon Karliah who was barely awake. Stroking her fur gently as a way to reassure myself. The doctor looks between me and then everyone else, and nods. "I'll see myself out then. Just be sure to change the bandage on your stomach later today."

He left as quickly as he came in. Haruno walked over to the bed, sitting on the side as she looked over to me but pet Karliah.

"Kritanta, I think it would be best if Sakura would stay with you for a few days." Kakashi started and I immediately interjected myself. "Is it really so bad that I can't be trusted?"

"No, not at all, I just want to look out for you, it's what friends do!" Haruno waved her hands and smiled as she looked at me. "I assure you, I am fine."

"I don't doubt that, but Sakura will be there just in case. Talking isn't a bad thing Kritanta." Kakashi explained as he took a step back from me. I rolled my eyes and pushed myself out the bed, walking over to the small cabinet where my things were being held. All expect my weapons. "Can I have my blade returned?"

"It's already at your house, we dropped off everything before we came." Kakashi once again explained what has happened. "We are also to be attending a ceremony for the third Hokage tomorrow morning. Sakura knows more about what team seven will be doing, she can inform you later."

"Alright." I sighed suddenly feeling slightly guilty at the mention of the Sarutobi. I nodded to Kakashi who left with visible relief on his own shown eye. "I'm sorry if it seems like I'm being a burden Haruno."

"Sakura, we're friends Kritanta-San, so please just call me Sakura." She offered a smile as she stood from the bed. I quickly change into a pair of shorts and a tank top, making sure my neck was covered by the bandages from my wounds. "Okay, Sakura. But I don't need help, I'm fine."

"I know!" She smiled, I looked over towards Karliah who was slowly stretching off the uncomfortable bed. She brushed her side against Haru- er, Sakura and looked at me with a smirk. "Think about it as our first sleepover!"

"A sleep what?" I asked, looking to Karliah for clearance. As we were leaving the hospital doors Sakura stopped dead and her tracks and slowly turned her head towards me. "You've never had a sleepover?!"

"Judging by the format of the question, I've never had a sleepover." I answered unsure of what this foreign exchange of words was. "Oh my! Well, tonight you are going to experience your very first sleepover!"

Sakura yelled as she grabbed my hand and started pulling me towards my small house. To my surprise the door was unlocked, and inside was three wolves crowed around the living space. Akari, Kyler, and Arrow stood around seemingly conversing with one another.

"Welcome back princess, how are you feeling deary?" Akari asked, a soft expression was worn across her canine features. "Please allow yourself to be heard, we have company for a few days."

"Yo short stack is back!" Arrow hollered, a smile wide across his mouth. Sakura looked towards Arrow, slightly confused. "Except you Arrow, your mouth shall be silenced till I die."

"Ha! That's funny!" Arrow laughed and trotted over to us, his head held high. "Oh? What's this, another chew toy?"

"O-h Um n-no?" Sakura answered unsurely, looking between Karliah and I. "Cut the bullshit Arrow, where's Rin?"

"I take offense to that hot head." I rolled my eyes at Arrow's constant banter. Kyler rose from his position and sat to attention. "Rin left an hour ago, said he had something to take care of."

"Understood." I turned to Sakura then back to the wolves. "Pardon my mannerism, I don't think you've had a proper introduction."

I walked around the small sofa, and sat on the back, looking towards everyone one. "Pack, this is Sakura Haruno. Sakura this is Karliah, as you know. The three others are Akari, Kyler, and the vulgar one being Arrow."

"Hello." She smiled, and rocked slightly on her heels, any person could tell she was nervous. "It's nice to meet you?"

"As to you," Kyler bowed slightly and nudged Arrow in the side. "Sup Pinky, and I was kidding. I won't actually use you as a chew toy."

"Aren't you just a doll, Karliah you weren't kidding by her having a calming presence." Akari smiled as she walked over to Sakura who eagerly patted her dark fur. I sighed in content as everyone got along, slowly, but surely the day was almost over.

"I'm back bitches!" I turned my head sharply to see Rin had burst through the door. He was carrying two bugs under his arms, they seemed to be ingredients of various natures. "Well you see Tanta, Akari informed me of your eating habits. So after gaining my full transfer to the leaf, I went shopping!"

"Are you serious?" I shouted, the ghost of a smile starting to hint at my face. My eyes holding more than the normal emptiness. "Yes, you can't live off of protein bars forever don't you remember the three rules to having a perfectly proportionate plate?"

"You're a leaf ninja? Like permanently?" I asked, I sprung out the sofa as soon as he nodded his head. I launched myself towards him and wrapped my arms around his chest. "Woah! Somebody's in a good mood, all it took was some vegetables, carbs, and meat."

"So you're like staying in the leaf?" I asked once more, making sure he was going to be by my side. "Indeed I am, now are you going to introduce me to your friend over there?"

"Oh right," I shook my head, realizing the amount of relief and joy I was feeling. I turned to see Sakura sitting beside Karliah, who was basking in the affection she was receiving from the pink-haired girl.

"Rin this is one of my teammates Sakura. Sakura this is my excuse of a brother Rin. The wolf over there is Arrow, don't pay him much mind, he is a little slow when it comes to common sense and manners. You are already acquainted with my guardian. And these two are Akari and Kyler, which you have somewhat met before." I introduced everyone and for a little while everything was calm. Nothing was chipping away at mind or causing me to be on guard, well except for when Rin said he was going to cook a proper meal. I was afraid he would accidentally burn down the whole house. Plus everyone seemed to get along fine with one another. I found myself smiling as we ate and conversed, seemingly without a care in the world. Dare I say I enjoyed myself, but like most, all good things must come to an end.

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