Chapter 83~ Opposing Views

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"What do you say?" My eyes remained wide, and my body was stiff. I shook my head, my hair moving along with it. "I don't know what I can say. Do I even have a choice in the matter?"

"You can't have her do this, it's a suicide, even for Kritanta!" Karliah spoke her mind, moving forward. I closed my eyes and balled my fists. "What other choice do we have, she is our best option."

"No, I'm the only option that had any chance." I corrected her, she let out a sigh and nodded slowly. "Will you do it?"

"Nobody can know the truth." I came to my conclusion by letting myself relax and look towards the Hokage. "I've thought the same thing, only a select few will know."

"Who's among them?" My hands held the hem of my shirt, allowing myself to think over who would be allowed to know. "Myself, Jiraiya, Kakashi and Rin."

"Take Kakashi and Rin off the list, Kakashi will crack if Naruto and Sakura pester him about the subject." I said with certainty, laced through my voice. "Are you sure? Why take Rin off?"

"I think he might be leaking information to Orochimaru." I let the words roll off my tongue, finally coming to terms with the thoughts that have been filling my head. "Your own brother?"

"It's not a definite but keep important information confidential around him. If he finds out  the logistics of the mission it could be jeopardized if Orchimaru gives me away." She seemed in thought as I felt Karliah comfort me with her nose. "I understand, he'll be informed as the rest of the village will. Now when will you be leaving?"

"After the Sasuke mission comes back, I'd like to aid them in my own way." She nodded scribbling a few words onto some papers in front of her. "How long will you be in the field for?"

"That will depend on me and my choice only. My one condition is that if I need to pull out I can, if I need to stay in I do that. The whole mission revolves around my word, and what I say goes." The tone in my voice dropped as I gave out my only concern. "Princess, you're not actually going through with this are you?"

"I am and you can't accompany me."


"It will arise suspicion if I were to go with only you and not the other wolves. And if I'm being honest I don't know if I should have trust in them while being on the fence about Rin." I defended my reasoning. "I'm sorry to break this moment, but you said that you would aid the team Shikamaru is leading, how do you plan on going about that." 

"While all I said is true about Sasuke coming back and the slim chances. I'm not opposed to keeping watch over them, I know very limited medical jutsu that can be used for stabilizing conditions. I also have a feeling that some strong nin are guarding Sasuke, which means there is to be injuries, my goal is to prevent any causilaties on our side." I explained, taking the fabric from the desk and placing it back around my neck. "I think that is wise, we can't afford any major casualties." 

"I understand, and you have my word that there will be none." I bowed my head ever so slightly, pull my hair out of my face as I did so. I lifted myself back up, only to see the dissaproving face of Karliah looking at me. "You're dismissed, send word when you plan to carry out your alternative mission." 

"Right." I nodded once more and turned on my heel to walk towards the door, Karliah on my heel. I pushed forwards, out the door and outside. Karliah released a loud sigh as she stood by my side. "What the hell do you think you're doing?!" 

"What do you mean?" I asked, to even bothering to look at her. I had a feeling this would happen. "This isn't some mission you're going on, this is suicide." 

"Well then so be it." I muttered my steps getting heavier as I felt frustration well inside me. She stopped moving and stood still her gaze directed towards the back of my head.  "How can you just say that! There is people here that care for you! I know you're a ninja of the leaf and have duties, but this is absolutely ridiculous!" 

"I'm the only one who can handle the mental strain of a mission like this," I clenched my fists and whipped myself around. I quickly blinked away any doubt I was feeling as I reassured Karliah. "I can be apart of something bigger than just surviving. I can be of use in preventing future encounters, or giving us the edge." 

"You say you're the only one who can handle this, but even you are human. You won't be able to handle everyone hating you again."

"I did it once I can do it again!" A few curious citizens stopped in looked over in our direction. I took in a deep breath and turned to walk away. "You don't mean that!" 

"Watch me." I hissed between clenched teeth, my heart was racing a I walked away from her. I can handle this, I've blocked out my emotions once before I can do it again no problem. Who is she to think that she just gets to decide what I can and can't do. 

I trujed along the path, making my way to the village gates. Shikamaru's team must of just left at this point. Giving me enough time to trail behind them. Hopefully going unnoticed by both parties. 

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