Chapter 101~ Kazekage

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"Shit," I rounded a corner of a street, ducking into the alley. With my back pressed against a building, ragged breaths left my mouth. "She went down here!"

Acting quickly I flicked a sebon out the alley and pierced an awning across the way. That's when I made eye contact with three jonin from the hidden sand, their headbands standing out. I held my hands out of the robe, palms facing out as I stumbled further down the alley.

"You are under arrest Kritanta Astara for treason!" They came closer, their strides were unfaltering as they assumed they had me cornered. From the smug grins, they bore it was clear as the stars in the sky that they thought they had won. "I'm afraid that can't happen today. Tell Gaara I send my regards."

With a quick flick I threw my robe up into the air, distracting them as I made my escape out of the alley. With little hesitation I flashed out of there, taking the sebon as I blended into the morning crowd. It's hard to imagine that I haven't stepped foot in the leaf for two years.

The days and nights seemed repetitive and slowly molded into a endless loop. Occasionally I would switch hideous, be informed of new missions. Never have I had to kill anyone thus far, usually telling them to lay low after I encounter them as to not raise any red flags for Pain. I had been loyal, and did the up most to avoid suspicion.

Shikamaru and Itachi have been the greatest help in staying sane. And I've had a few low points I don't care to admit to.

My breath relaxed as I took in the architecture of the hidden sand. Sandstone buildings seemed natural in the environment, creating a nice look for the eyes. Most of the people were nice as well, except for a few jonin who happened to recognize me. Short locks of hair covered my eyes as I approached what I assumed was the Kazekage's tower.

"Hey what are you do-!" Turning to the slightly familiar voice I was faced with a blonde-haired ninja. "Astara-San is that you?"

"Temari, long time no see." I smiled ever so slightly, my eyes scanning for any lingering ears who might overhear us. "What the hell could you possibly want? You're lucky I haven't killed you on the spot."

"You know I never did get to thank you for the sound ninja. It was a miracle you were able to show up." Memories seemed to flood back as I recalled her presence before I had passed out. She seemed defensive as she took a step closer. "You seem nicer?"

"Not going to be once I rip you limb from limb." The smile remained on my face as she jumped back, I took this opportunity to walk inside the building. "Kidding of course."

"Where do you think you're going?" She half yelled as I discarded her words, making my way to where I could feel Gaara's chakra. The sound of her heavy footsteps followed as I traversed throughout the building.

Stopping in front of the door I debated knocking. Too bad I didn't.

"Kritanta Astara, been some time hasn't it?" His voice seemed the same, a slight rasp was now present. But overall his appearance seemed to remain mostly unchanged. "But an explanation as to why the rogue leaf, now Akatsuki, is in my village?"

"Well, mister Kazekage I have some inside information that just might benefit your village." I retorted, sitting myself on his desk. For a second I swear I saw him smirk. As if on cue Temari burst through the door, closing it behind her. "Say the word Garra, I'll have her out."

"Not quite, let's see what she has to say." He looked to Temari, then back to me. With a curt nod, as if telling me to continue.

"Right," The mood seemed to shift, one from light and thin to one of unnerve. My eyes cast downwards as I recalled a conversation I overheard and the direct input of Itachi. "The Akatsuki are making their move on jinchuriki. I'm am supposed to be pursuing the two tails Matabi, but she has slipped through my fingers... again." 

"Who exactly are you?" Gaara asked looking between myself and Temari, uncertainty was clear. Letting out a light laugh, absentmindedly twirling a needle between my fingers. "Good question, but that can be answered at a later date. They are coming after you soon Gaara." 

"Why do they want him?" Her voice was concerned, a slight tap of the foot and fluctuating pitch were proof enough. "They don't want him specifically, if they manage to capture Gaara he will undoubtedly perish in the extraction process. The Akasuki are collecting the tailed beasts in order to combine them into the original being. However, the process of removal leads to an uncertain death." 

"That's straightforward." 

"Would you like me to sugarcoat the situation Temari?" Her reaction was to be expected, it was understandable as to where she was coming from. I don't know how I would react to such an extreme claim. 

"Well no I suppose not." 

"Good, then I suspect two members will be on your case in the span of the year. I'd go as far as to say as your capture attempt will be within six months. Something's happened and they are pushing the extractions." Explaining the situation was easy, trying to read how they were retaining the information was more challenging. Glancing out the window, my eyes lingered on the sky. "I understand." 

"Good, I don't know how long I have until they realize I left the hidden cloud. So I have to take my leave. I'll be far more inconspicuous on my way out as to avoid a confrontation like earlier." I nodded making my way towards the door, only stopping when they called out to me. 

"Thank you," Gaara started, slowly I quirked a brow as I turned to face them. He seemed to be sharing a look of confusion yet somehow understanding. "I don't think I know the length of your situation, but I appreciate the information Astara-San." 

"Please just call me Kritanta," I watched as a small smile spread over his features, before glancing over at Temari. With the last exchange of words, I continued out the door, shutting it behind me as I stood still. 

Humid air filled my lungs whilst taking in a deep breath. That went rather well all things considering. As I was about to be on my way I couldn't help but overhear Temari and Gaara. 

"She really has changed quite drastically, I wonder what happened?" 

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