Chapter 8 ~Truth Comes Out

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I ran ahead and awaited for the ambush. My plan was simple, ambush the ambushers. I sat high in a tree, as the two brothers popped out of no where.

Kakashi tilted his head to me slightly, giving a small nod. To everyone is appeared as of Kakashi was split in two by the demon brothers.

Show time.

I unsheathed my sword as I free falled from the tree. As u got closer I noticed that their clothes had burn marks and their skin was slightly damaged. Not to toot my own horn or anything, but that was caused by yours truly.

"So the Astara Heiress strikes us down once again." One of the demon said with a smirk. "I might have let you live before, but believe me it was out of a seven year olds pity. Now I have things to do and can't promise the same generosity."

"Does the snake man still control you? Or have you finally pit on your big girl pants." In the blink of an eye I vanished. Not really, just to fast for an untrained eye to see. My sword was against his neck in a second. Dangerously close to slicing his jugular.

"You speak of him again and I won't hesitate." He smirked, I was confused until I noticed that the other brother had attacked straight for Naruto. Fuck, I let my anger get the better of me.

I threw my sword towards the chain which pinned it against a tree. However it was too late it had already scratched Naruto's hand.

"Haruno! Cover the bridge dude." I shouted which she did immediately. "Naruto get down!"

Before I could mention Uchiha he was already aiding me in battle. I was barley putting in effort as I didn't want to show my true abilities just yet.

One was headed straight for Haruno, Uchiha jumped on front of her. I quickly stabbed the leg on the guy that was on me. I knew Kakashi was gonna jump in and save the day like a show off. So in theory I had nothing to worry about.

As I called, Kakashi jumped in front. He hit the mist nin on the head effortlessly. "Kakashi-Sensei!"

I was mentally gagging as I watched them gawk over Kakashi's entrance. This is going to be one hell of a trip. "Don't mention him or my name. Understood? I could end your life right here."

The brother I had in captivity violently thrashed as I dragged him towards Kakashi. "If you don't mind, Tazuna. Tell me what the hell are rogue ninjas doing after you."

He seemed a little shocked by my sudden outburst. "This is considered a B-Rank or higher, this is far past the genins training."

"Naruto needs medical assistance as well." I said, interrupting Kakashi's speak of how dangerous this is to continue. "So where even is the destination?"

"Land of waves." Tazuna said with a shameful look. My eyes widened for a slight moment before returning to normal. I walked over to Tazuna and slapped him across the face.

"You ever think if disrespecting me again you won't have a head." I made sure my team wasn't watching us as I did so. "Clear as crystal."

I am not going to have fun on this trip, not one bit.

We all boarded the boat, much to my disapproval. Every second the boat rocked my grip on the outside of the boat tightened.

"The fog is so thick." Haruno stated as she looked amazed. All the more reason to grip the boat.

"Quiet now we should be approaching shortly." Our boat driver said as he looked into the distance. "Wow it's huge!!!"

I mentally sighed, the sight of the bridge will be one to remember. "Now Tazuna, for us to carry out this mission we need to know why the ninja were after you."

"Fine I guess I should tell you. No, I want to tell you. The man his name is Gato." This peaked my attention. Suddenly the boat swayed and I broke the side of the boat. Everybody shot their heads towards me. "...Sorry. The man Gato of Gato transport is the one after you?"

"Which means that those ninja were working under Gato." Haruno analyzed, however she was wrong. "No,"

Once again all heads were in my direction.  "Those two work for an assassin."

"And how do you know this?" Tazuna asked. "I have my resources, as do you."

"When did you suddenly go all bad ass?" He smirked in amusement. Suddenly Naruto piped in. "Im not following."

"Big surprise." Haruno said with a smile. Then the Uchiha decided to speak up for the first time. "Kritanta, are you afraid of water?"

I looked him in the eyes, shit he noticed and now they all know. "N-no, what makes you say that?"

"The fact that your hands have turned white from how much pressure you are holding onto the boat. Along with the fact that you stuttered." He stood up and shook the boat slightly. I gripped the boat ever tighter and closed my eyes. "And that just proves it."

"Like you have something your not afraid of." I mocked him, this is turning ugly. "Oh and another thing, why did the rogue call you an heiress?"

"Don't you have something better to do than interrogate me?" I asked, I need up braking off another chunk of wood off the boat. Not out of fear, but out of annyonace. "As a matter of fact I don't."

Everyone one else was staying out of the heated argument for their own safety. "If it makes you happy I was an Heiress."

"Was?" I heard Tazuna mumble. "Great now the drunk is getting in on it too!"

"None of you need to know where I was from or what happened to me. All you need to know is that at this very moment my only commitment is to this team. And putting my personal feelings aside would be beneficial for the mission." I sighed, letting it all off my chest felt nice. Suddenly our surroundings were filled with an eerie silence. The only one to break it was our driver. "Were here."

We pulled into the docks, the town was simple. Nothing much seemed to happen. "Now let's get me home in one piece, shall we."

I was still in the boat as everyone one else was off. Naruto stuck his hand in my direction. "It's okay to be afraid Kri-Chan, we are all afraid of something."

I took his had hesitantly as he aided me out of the boat. "Thanks, Naruto."

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