Chapter 113~ Time

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My fist tapped against the door, my heels rocking slightly as I waited for an answer. It didn't take long before the familiar voice rang out, "Come in Kritanta!"

Without replying I pushed the door open, feeling two people in the room. It was odd, but the chakra seemed familiar. "Glad to see you doing well, we have much to discuss. Jiraiya is also interested in what you have found."

"Wait, Naruto's back?" A felt a small pang in my chest, he's been off the grid with Jiraiya so the Akatsuki have had a hard time with his location. Him being back in the village narrows down the time we have significantly. Subconsciously my hands played with the hem of my shirt, my feet tapping. I thought I would have more time to recover before having to face them again, this isn't good.

I give it a few weeks, the time since I left hasn't been too long. They might have found the two-tails by now, but the Kazekage was still in the Hidden Sand according to my sources. So we should have time before they come after Naruto. But wait, Temari arrived at the Leaf today, Shikamaru was asked to show her around for the upcoming event. Shit this isn't good.

"Sit her down,"

I felt my breathing pick up, my eyes scanning left and right but I couldn't see anything because of the gauze and wrap. Everything is about to go haywire I could feel it. The time we have to prepare is dwindling, and there is still so much to do. Gaara is in danger, the attack should happen within the week and I'm in no condition to take on more Akatsuki members.

"She's having a panic attack,"

No, I could take some of them down if needed. I still had Midnight strapped to my back, the steel blade was a constant reminder that I was still a fighter. Taking them down would be a drag, but it wouldn't be impossible. The success rate was low, but it was still there. It would be a big risk.

A wide hand settled on my shoulder, and on instinct electricity coursed through my body. Sending it directly to my assailant. But their hand didn't move, it remained the same as I felt the bindings around my eyes be lifted, by a different person. "My dear I need you to look at me."

The voice was soft, my eyes blinking as they became accustomed to the office I was currently in. In front of me stood Lady Tsunade, crouched over as she held the fabric between her fingers. My voice deceived me as all I could do was nod. Turning slightly I realized I had just shocked Jiraiya, a sanin of the Leaf, what just happened.

"Oh my stars, I apologize for my actions that was highly unprofessional of me." Bowing down to the man, he let out a heart laugh to which my brows furrowed. He knows I just attacked him right? Why is that a laughing matter. "You're a lot different than how Naruto describes you."

"Uh, thank you?" I stood straight up, unsure of how to act at this current moment. My heart was still beating at an incredibly fast pace, but my thinking came to a halt. Tsunade straightened herself out and crossed her arms over her chest. "Do you mind telling us what was on your mind?"

"We don't have much time now." I moved my body to sit on Tsunade's desk, allowing myself to relax for a moment. "Naruto being back will get out, meaning the Akatsuki have more motive to come after a non-moving target. It also occurred to me that Garra of the Sand should be next on their list, which means they are making more moves. With me out of the group and with knowledge they should be doing all they can to speed the process along."

"So you think we are racing the clock now?" I allowed myself to study the man, his long jagged white hair contrasted with what I think were face markings but they were hard to make out. He wore a red vest, with fishnets underneath, and seemed very similar to our last brief encounter. "I know so, being with them I was able to learn their behaviors and minds. Pain should be feeling threatened by my betrayal and therefor getting antsy about the situation. It's only a matter of time now. The Leaf should prepare themselves for a full scale attack."

"Wouldn't that raise too much suspicion among the people?" The older man was quick to butt in. "Absolutely, but that kind of uprise is bound to happen, and having them on their guard will only benefit the entire situation. They will be easier to evacuate if need be, and they can already start preparing what they should take."

"That's wise, I expect nothing less from you, but the elders would never approve of it." Tsunade let out a loud sigh, throwing her head back. "The book you gave us helped with identifying most of the Akasutki's abilities, but some of them still seemed rather bland."

"I mostly worked along side Itachi Uchiha and Kisame Hoshigaki, those two have been the ones I gathered most about. But Konan and Pain are the two I have the least knowledge about. I've never actually seen them fight, I know Konan has a paper ability but Pain still remains a mystery to me. I could of gained more intel on them if I had extended my mission period and that is entirely my fault." I bowed my head once again, feeling guilt pool in my stomach but also an unfamiliar feeling residing as well. Tsunade was quick to shake her head. "Nonsense, you did exceptionally well, the information combined with Jiraiya's is more than we could have hoped for."

I felt two Chakra signatures begin to approach the door and I seized up slightly. Both of the Sanin caught my actions and smiles appeared on their face. Tsunade rounded the desk and took a seat back down, placing her chin in her hands.

"Sorry it took so long, it was hard dragging this one away from Konohamaru." Sakura was the first to walk through the door, followed by a boy with blonde hair who bore a sheepish smile. "Oh yeah, that would be my fault, sorry Grandma."

A small smile spread across my face as I looked at Naruto, his height having increased and so had his overall presence. He seemed more mature, good for him. Before I could say anything I was engulfed in a tight hug. "Kri-Chan!"

What is with people and hugging recently?

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